
§113.87 修订加热杀菌车间内的操作(Operations in the thermal processing room)

   2011-04-18 396
核心提示:   113.87 Operations in the thermal processing room.  (b) A system for product traffic control in the retort room

  § 113.87   Operations in the thermal processing room.

  (b) A system for product traffic control in the retort room shall be established to prevent unretorted product from bypassing the retort process. Each retort basket, truck, car, or crate used to hold containers in a retort, or one or more containers therein, shall, if it contains any retorted food product, be plainly and conspicuously marked with a heat-sensitive indicator, or by other effective means that will indicate visually, to thermal processing personnel, those units that have been retorted. A visual check shall be performed to determine whether or not the appropriate change has occurred in the heat-sensitive indicator as a result of retorting for all retort baskets, trucks, cars, or crates, to ensure that each unit of product has been retorted. A record of these checks should be made.

  (c) The initial temperature of the contents of the containers to be processed shall be accurately determined and recorded with sufficient frequency to ensure that the temperature of the product is no lower than the minimum initial temperature specified in the scheduled process. For those operations that use water during the filling of the retort or during processing, provision shall be made to ensure that the water will not, before the start of each thermal process, lower the initial temperature of the product below that specified in the scheduled process. The temperature-indicating device used to determine the initial temperature shall be tested for accuracy against a reference device for which the accuracy is traceable to a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), or other national metrology institute, standard reference device, by appropriate standard procedures, with sufficient frequency to ensure that initial temperature measurements are accurate. Records of the accuracy of the temperature-indicating device and of a reference device that is maintained by the processor shall be established and maintained in accordance with §113.100(c) and (d).

  (e) Clock times on temperature-recording device records shall reasonably correspond to the time of day on the processing records to provide correlation of these records.


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