
Sec. 467a. 行政拘留;期限;待定的司法诉讼,政府当局的通知;解除;官方标志的去除(Administrative detention; duration; pending judicial p

   2011-08-04 989
核心提示:更多关于美国禽肉检查法的内容,请详见美国农业部食品安全与检查局(FSIS)发布的《禽肉检查法案》(PPIA)法规汇总  Sec. 46

  Sec. 467a. Administrative detention; duration; pending judicial proceedings; notification of government authorities; release; removal of official marks

  Whenever any poultry product, or any product exempted from the definition of a poultry product, or any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry is found by any authorized representative of the Secretary upon any premises where it is held for purposes of, or during or after distribution in, commerce or otherwise subject to this chapter, and there is reason to believe that any such article is adulterated or misbranded and is capable of use as human food, or that it has not been inspected, in violation of the provisions of this chapter or of any other Federal law or the laws of any State or Territory, or the District of Columbia, or that it has been or is intended to be, distributed in violation of any such provisions, it may be detained by such representative for a period not to exceed twenty days, pending action under section 467b of this title or notification of any Federal, State, or other governmental authorities having jurisdiction over such article or poultry, and shall not be moved by any person, from the place at which it is located when so detained, until released by such representative. All official marks may be required by such representative to be removed from such article or poultry before it is released unless it appears to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the article or poultry is eligible to retain such marks.

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