

   2010-08-10 食品伙伴网sunny5739680

    食品伙伴网报道,据美国营养成分网8月9日消息称,一项来自于动物试验及初步人体试验的研究数据表明,每天摄入来源于柑橘的黄酮及柠檬苦素类似物可降低患糖尿病的风险。这一研究结果发表在功能性食品杂志( Journal of Functional Foods)上。








正常人在进食米、面主食或服葡萄糖后,几乎全被肠道吸收,使血糖升高,刺激胰岛素分泌、肝糖元合成增加,分解受抑制,肝糖输出减少,体内组织对葡萄糖利用增加,因此饭后最高血糖不超过10.0mmol/L,且进食或多或少血糖都保持在一个比较稳定的范围内。这说明正常人对葡萄糖有很强的耐受能力,即葡萄糖耐量正常。但若胰岛素分泌不足的人,口服 75g葡萄糖后2小时可超过7.8mmol/L,可等于或大于11.1mmol/L,说明此人对葡萄糖耐量已降低。
                                                                                 ----- 源自互动百科


Citrus extract shows benefits for diabetics: Study

By Stephen Daniells, 09-Aug-2010

Daily supplements of citrus-derived flavanoids and limonoids may reduce risk factors for diabetes like glucose tolerance, suggests data from an animal and pilot study with humans.

The branded Diabetinol ingredient produced significant reductions in glucose intolerance, total cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol levels, according to findings published in the Journal of Functional Foods.

“These data suggest that Diabetinol as a natural food product may have a protective effect in individuals with a combined impaired fasting glucose and hyperlipidemia,” wrote the researchers, led by Malkanthi Evans from Ontario, Canada-based KGK Synergize.

Diabetes affects an estimated 24 million Americans, equal to 8 percent of the population. The total costs are thought to be as much as $174 billion, with $116 billion being direct costs from medication, according to 2005-2007 American Diabetes Association figures.

Study details

The researchers performed two studies – one with hamsters, and the other a pilot study with 19 people with impaired fasting glucose.

The hamster study involved 18 male animals divided into three groups: One group consumed regular chow, the second group was fed with 60 percent fructose, and the third group received the 60 percent fructose group supplemented with 1 percent Diabetinol.

Compared to the hamsters fed only the fructose, the citrus extract-supplemented group demonstrated a decrease in blood glucose, insulin, total cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels, said the researchers. Furthermore, no adverse events were recorded.

The human randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study, conducted by Florida-based SIBR Research Inc., involved 19 people with impaired fasting glucose. The subjects, who were all receiving oral medication, were assigned to receive a daily 1050 milligram dose of the citrus extract or placebo for 84 days.

At the end of the study the researchers noted significant improvements in total and LDL cholesterol levels of 13 and 23 percent, respectively. Furthermore, a reduction in glucose intolerance was observed, said the researchers.

The researchers confirmed that study was ongoing in this area with an “additional six-month study is underway to evaluate Diabetinol treatment in a larger sample of subjects with type-II diabetes”.


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