
§184.1307c 食品添加剂柠檬酸亚铁(Ferrous citrate)

   2011-07-21 719
核心提示:更多关于已证实属于一般公认为安全(GRAS)的可直接加入食品中的物质种类,请点击美国FDA 21 CFR 第184部分已证实属于一般公认

    更多关于已证实属于一般公认为安全(GRAS)的可直接加入食品中的物质种类,请点击美国FDA 21 CFR 第184部分已证实属于一般公认为安全(GRAS)的可直接加入食品中的物质种类汇总

  § 184.1307c   Ferrous citrate.

  (a) Ferrous citrate (iron (II) citrate, (C6H6FeO7), CAS Reg. No. 23383–11–1) is a slightly colored powder or white crystals. It is prepared from the reaction of sodium citrate with ferrous sulfate or by direct action of citric acid on iron filings.

  (b) The ingredient must be of a purity suitable for its intended use.

  (c) In accordance with §184.1(b)(1) the ingredient is used in food as a nutrient supplement as defined in §170.3(o)(20) of this chapter, with no limitation other than current good manufacturing practice. The ingredient may also be used in infant formula in accordance with section 412(g) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) (21 U.S.C. 350a(g)) or with regulations promulgated under section 412(a)(2) of the act (21 U.S.C. 350a(a)(2)).

  (d) Prior sanctions for this ingredient different from the uses established in this section do not exist or have been waived.

  [53 FR 16866, May 12, 1988, as amended at 73 FR 8607, Feb. 14, 2008]

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