
澳新食品标准法典-4.2.6-芽菜生产加工标准(Production and Processing Standard for Seed Sprouts (Australia only))

   2013-07-30 643
核心提示:Standard 4.2.6 PRODUCTION AND PROCESSING STANDARD FOR SEED SPROUTS(Australia only)Table of Provisions Division 1Prelimin

Table of Provisions
Division 1 – Preliminary
1             Interpretation
2             Application to retail sale
3             Application of food safety standards
Division 2 – Processing of seed sprouts
4             Meaning of sprout processor
5             General food safety management
6             Receiving seed
7             Inputs
8             Decontamination
9             Traceability
10           Sale or supply
Division 1 – Preliminary
1             Interpretation
(1)           Unless the contrary intention appears, and subject to Standard 4.1.1, the definitions in Chapter 3 of this Code apply in this Standard.
(2)           In this Standard –
decontamination means a process using a controlled environment to reduce the level of pathogenic organisms that may be present in seed sprouts.
seed means seed for use in the production of seed sprouts.
seed sprouts means sprouted seeds or sprouted beans for human consumption that include all or part of the seed.
sprout processor has the meaning given by clause 4.
2             Application to retail sale
This Standard does not apply to retail sale activities of a sprout processor.
3             Application of food safety standards
Standards 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 apply to a sprout processor.
Division 2 – Processing of seed sprouts
4             Meaning of sprout processor
A sprout processor means a business, enterprise or activity that involves any or all of the following for producing seed sprouts –
(a)           decontamination of seed or seed sprouts;
(b)          soaking of seed;
(c)           germination or growth of seed;
(d)          harvest of seed sprouts; or
(e)           washing, drying or packing of seed sprouts.
5             General food safety management requirements
A sprout processor must comply with the general food safety management requirements.
6             Receiving seed
A sprout processor must not produce or process seed sprouts if the processor ought reasonably know or suspect that the seed is of a nature or in a condition that would make the seed sprouts unacceptable.
7             Inputs
A sprout processor must take all reasonable measures to ensure inputs do not make the seed sprouts unacceptable.
8             Decontamination
A sprout processor must implement effective decontamination processes prior to sale or supply of seed sprouts.
9             Traceability
A sprout processor must have a system to identify –
(a)          from whom seed or seed sprouts were received;
(b)          to whom seed or seed sprouts were supplied.
10           Sale or supply
A sprout processor must not sell or supply seed sprouts for human consumption if the sprout processor ought reasonably know or reasonably suspect that the seed sprouts are unacceptable.

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