
§145.131 加甜无花果罐头(Artificially sweetened canned figs)

   2011-09-06 601
核心提示:更多关于水果罐头的法规汇总,请详见美国FDA 21 CFR 第145部分关于水果罐头的法规汇总。   145.131 Artificially sweetened c

      更多关于水果罐头的法规汇总,请详见美国FDA 21 CFR 第145部分关于水果罐头的法规汇总

  § 145.131   Artificially sweetened canned figs.

  (a) Artificially sweetened canned figs is the food which conforms to the definition and standard of identity prescribed for canned figs by §145.130, except that in lieu of a packing medium specified in §145.130(c), the packing medium used is water artificially sweetened with saccharin, sodium saccharin, or a combination of both. Such packing medium may be thickened with pectin and may contain any mixture of any edible organic salt or salts and any edible organic acid or acids as a flavor-enhancing agent, in a quantity not more than is reasonably required for that purpose.

  (b)(1) The specified name of the food is “artificially sweetened ___”, the blank being filled in with the name prescribed by §145.130 for canned figs having the same optional fig ingredient.

  (2) The artificially sweetened food is subject to the requirements for label statement of ingredients used, as prescribed for canned figs by §145.130. If the packing medium is thickened with pectin, the label shall bear the statement “thickened with pectin”。 When any organic salt or acid or any mixture of two or more of these is added, the label shall bear the common or usual name of each such ingredient.

  [42 FR 14414, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 58 FR 2880, Jan. 6, 1993]

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