
§130.8 关于对定义和特征标准的遵守(Conformity to definitions and standards of identity)

   2011-08-24 220
核心提示:   130.8 Conformity to definitions and standards of identity.  In the following conditions, among others, a food doe

  § 130.8   Conformity to definitions and standards of identity.

  In the following conditions, among others, a food does not conform to the definition and standard of identity therefor:

  (a) If it contains an ingredient for which no provision is made in such definition and standard, unless such ingredient is an incidental additive introduced at a nonfunctional and insignificant level as a result of its deliberate and purposeful addition to another ingredient permitted by the terms of the applicable standard and the presence of such incidental additive in unstandardized foods has been exempted from label declaration as provided in §101.100 of this chapter.

  (b) If it fails to contain any one or more ingredients required by such definition and standard;

  (c) If the quantity of any ingredient or component fails to conform to the limitation, if any, prescribed therefor by such definition and standard.

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