Standard 2.2.3 Fish and Fish Products
This Standard defines the term ‘fish’ and requires the provision of certain cooking instructions for raw fish which has been joined using a binding system without the application of heat.
Table of Provisions
1 Interpretation
2 Labelling etc of formed or joined raw fish
1 Interpretation
In this Code –
fish means any of the cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates and aquatic invertebrates including shellfish, but does not include amphibians and reptiles.
Editorial note:
This Standard does not define specific names for fish. An Australian Fish Names Standard (AS SSA 5300) has been published which provides guidance on standard fish names to be used in Australia.
1. Hard copies of the Australian Fish Names Standard (AS-SSA 5300) are available from Seafood Services Australia at
2. A searchable database of Australian Standard Fish Names is available at
3. New Zealand common, Maori, and scientific names for fish species are available from the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry at
The Table to clause 5 of Standard 1.4.1 prescribes the maximum level of histamine permitted in fish and fish products.
2 Labelling etc of formed or joined fish
Where raw fish has been formed or joined in the semblance of a cut or fillet of fish using a binding system without the application of heat, whether coated or not, a declaration that the fish is either formed or joined, in conjunction with cooking instructions indicating how the microbiological safety of the product can be achieved –
(a) must be included on the label on the package of the fish; or
(b) if the food is not required to be labelled, must be provided to the purchaser.
Editorial Note:
See Standard 1.2.1 – Application of Labelling and Other Information Requirements for the application of labelling requirements.