
§165.3 饮料相关定义(Definitions)

   2011-09-25 639
核心提示:165.3 Definitions   (a) A lot is:  (1) For purposes of determining quality factors related to manufacture, proc

     §165.3 Definitions

      (a) A lot is:

  (1) For purposes of determining quality factors related to manufacture, processing, or packing, a collection of primary containers or units of the same size, type, and style produced under conditions as nearly uniform as possible and usually designated by a common container code or marking, or in the absence of any common container code or marking, a day's production.

  (2) For purposes of determining quality factors related to distribution and storage, a collection of primary containers or units transported, stored, or held under conditions as nearly uniform as possible.

  (b) A sample consists of 10 subsamples (consumer units), one taken from each of 10 different randomly chosen shipping cases to be representative of a given lot, unless otherwise specified in a specific standard in this part.

  (c) An analytical unit is the portion(s) of food taken from a subsample of a sample for the purpose of analysis.

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