
食品法规:美国FDA 21 CFR 第133部分关于干酪和干酪产品的法规汇总

   2011-08-30 650

  A分部 总则

  §133.3 干酪和有关干酪的产品相关定义(Definitions)

  §133.5 干酪和有关干酪的产品分析方法(Methods of analysis)

  §133.10 巴氏杀菌掺和干酪、巴氏杀菌加工干酪、干酪食品、涂抹干酪和有关食品的生产商,包装商和批发商注意事项(Notice to manufacturers, packers, and distributors of pasteurized blended cheese, pasteurized process cheese, cheese food, cheese spread, and related foods)

  B分部 标准干酪和干酪产品的具体要求

  §133.102 阿齐亚戈新鲜干酪和阿齐亚戈软质干酪(Asiago fresh and asiago soft cheese)

  §133.103 阿齐亚戈中等干酪(Asiago medium cheese)

  §133.104 阿齐亚戈陈干酪(Asiago old cheese)

  §133.106 青纹干酪(Blue cheese)

  §133.108 砖型干酪(Brick cheese)

  §133.109 加工用的砖型干酪(Brick cheese for manufacturing)

  §133.111 棒形西西里干酪(Caciocavallo siciliano cheese)

  §133.113 切达干酪(Cheddar cheese)

  §133.114 加工用切达干酪(Cheddar cheese for manufacturing)

  §133.116 低钠切达干酪(Low sodium cheddar cheese)

  §133.118 科尔比干酪(Colby cheese)

  §133.119 加工用科尔比干酪(Colby cheese for manufacturing)

  §133.121 低钠科尔比干酪(Low sodium colby cheese)

  §133.123 冷装干酪和调味软质干酪(Cold-pack and club cheese)

  §133.124 冷装干酪食品(Cold-pack cheese food)

  §133.125 带有水果蔬菜或肉类的冷装干酪食品(Cold-pack cheese food with fruits, vegetables, or meats)

  §133.127 熟制干酪,柯赫凯赛(Cook cheese, koch kaese)

  §133.128 农家干酪(Cottage cheese)

  §133.129 干凝乳农家干酪(Dry curd cottage cheese)

  §133.133 稀奶油干酪(Cream cheese)

  §133.134 带有其他食品的稀奶油干酪(Cream cheese with other foods)

  §133.136 水洗凝乳干酪及浸渍凝乳干酪(Washed curd and soaked curd cheese)

  §133.137 加工用水洗凝乳干酪(Washed curd cheese for manufacturing)

  §133.138 依丹姆干酪(Edam cheese)

  §133.140 甘美罗斯干酪(Gammelost cheese)

  §133.141 古冈佐拉干酪(Gorgonzola cheese)

  §133.142 古乌达干酪(Gouda cheese)

  §133.144 粒状干酪和搅碎凝块干酪(Granular and stirred curd cheese)

  §133.145 加工用粒状干酪(Granular cheese for manufacturing)

  §133.146 搓碎干酪(Grated cheeses)

  §133.147 搓碎美国干酪食品(Grated American cheese food)

  §133.148 硬质搓碎干酪(Hard grating cheeses)

  §133.149 格鲁耶尔干酪(Gruyere cheese)

  §133.150 硬质干酪(Hard cheeses)

  §133.152 林堡干酪(Limburger cheese)

  §133.153 蒙特里干酪和蒙特里杰克干酪(Monterey cheese and monterey jack cheese)

  §133.154 高水分杰克干酪(High-moisture jack cheese)

  §133.155 莫札莱拉干酪和斯卡莫札干酪(Mozzarella cheese and scamorza cheese)

  §133.156 低水分莫札莱拉干酪和斯卡莫札干酪(Low-moisture mozzarella and scamorza cheese)

  §133.157 部分脱脂莫札莱拉干酪和斯卡莫札干酪(Part-skim mozzarella and scamorza cheese)

  §133.158 低水分部分脱脂莫札莱拉干酪和斯卡莫札干酪(Low-moisture part-skim mozzarella and scamorza cheese)

  §133.160 明斯特干酪和蒙斯特干酪(Muenster and munster cheese)

  §133.161 加工用明斯特干酪和蒙斯特干酪(Muenster and munster cheese for manufacturing)

  §133.162 纽沙特尔干酪(Neufchatel cheese)

  §133.164 纽伏特干酪(Nuworld cheese)

  §133.165 珀尔梅散干酪和雷奇亚诺干酪(Parmesan and reggiano cheese)

  §133.167 巴氏杀菌掺和干酪(Pasteurized blended cheese)

  §133.168 带有水果、蔬菜或肉类的巴氏杀菌掺和干酪(Pasteurized blended cheese with fruits, vegetables, or meats)

  §133.169 巴氏杀菌加工干酪(Pasteurized process cheese)

  §133.170 带有水果蔬菜或肉类的巴氏杀菌加工干酪(Pasteurized process cheese with fruits, vegetables, or meats)

  §133.171 巴氏杀菌加工灯笼椒干酪(Pasteurized process pimento cheese)

  §133.173 巴氏杀菌加工干酪食品(Pasteurized process cheese food)

  §133.174 带有水果蔬菜或肉类的巴氏杀菌加工干酪食品(Pasteurized process cheese food with fruits, vegetables, or meats)

  §133.175 巴氏杀菌涂抹干酪(Pasteurized cheese spread)

  §133.176 带有水果蔬菜或肉类的巴氏杀菌涂抹干酪(Pasteurized cheese spread with fruits, vegetables, or meats)

  §133.178 带有其他食品的巴氏杀菌纽沙尔特涂抹干酪(Pasteurized neufchatel cheese spread with other foods)

  §133.179 巴氏杀菌加工涂抹干酪(Pasteurized process cheese spread)

  §133.180 带有水果蔬菜或肉类的巴氏杀菌加工涂抹用干酪(Pasteurized process cheese spread with fruits, vegetables, or meats)

  §133.181 波罗伏洛干酪(Provolone cheese)

  §133.182 软质成熟干酪(Soft ripened cheeses)

  §133.183 罗马诺干酪(Romano cheese)

  §133.184 罗奎福特干酪、绵羊乳青霉干酪和产自绵羊乳的青霉干酪(Roquefort cheese, sheep's milk blue-mold, and blue-mold cheese from sheep's milk)

  §133.185 沙姆索干酪(Samsoe cheese)

  §133.186 瑞士绿干酪(Sap sago cheese)

  §133.187 半软干酪(Semisoft cheeses)

  §133.188 半软部分脱脂干酪(Semisoft part-skim cheeses)

  §133.189 加工用脱脂乳干酪(Skim milk cheese for manufacturing)

  §133.190 加香干酪(Spiced cheeses)

  §133.191 部分脱脂加香干酪(Part-skim spiced cheeses)

  §133.193 加香调味标准干酪(Spiced, flavored standardized cheeses)

  §133.195 瑞士干酪和埃曼塔尔干酪(Swiss and emmentaler cheese)

  §133.196 加工用瑞士干酪(Swiss cheese for manufacturing)

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