
§168.180 餐桌糖浆(Table sirup)

   2011-09-25 231
核心提示:168.180 Table sirup   (a) Table sirup is the liquid food consisting of oneormore of the optional sweetening ingredi

      §168.180 Table sirup

          (a) Table sirup is the liquid food consisting of one or more of the optional sweetening ingredients provided for in paragraph (b)(1) of this section. The food contains not less than 65 percent soluble sweetener solids by weight and is prepared with or without added water. It may contain one or more of the optional ingredients prescribed in paragraphs (b)(2) through (12) of this section. All ingredients from which the food is fabricated shall be safe and suitable. (Vitamins, minerals, and protein added for nutritional purposes and artificial sweeteners are not considered to be suitable ingredients for this food.)

  (b) The optional ingredients that may be used in table sirup are:

  (1) One or more of the nutritive carbohydrate sweeteners provided for in this paragraph (b)(1)。 When a sweetener provided for in paragraph (b)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section is used it shall constitute not less than 2 percent by weight of the finished food.

  (i) The sirups identified by §§ 168.130, 168.140, and 168.160, except that the use of any such ingredient is so limited that the finished food does not meet the requirement prescribed for any sirup by § 168.130, § 168.140, or § 168.160.

  (ii) Honey.

  (iii) Other nutritive carbohydrate sweeteners.

  (2) Butter, in a quantity not less than 2 percent by weight of the finished food.

  (3) Edible fats and oils, except that, in products designated as “buttered sirups”, butter as provided for in paragraph (b)(2) of this section is the only fat that may be used.

  (4) Emulsifiers or stabilizers or both.

  (5) Natural and artificial flavorings, either fruit or nonfruit, alone or in carriers.

  (6) Color additives.

  (7) Salt.

  (8) Chemical preservatives.

  (9) Viscosity adjusting agents.

  (10) Acidifying, alkalizing, or buffering agents.

  (11) Defoaming agents.

  (12) Any other ingredient (e.g., shredded coconut, ground orange peel) that is not incompatible with other ingredients in the food.

  (c) Except as provided for in this paragraph and in paragraphs (d) (2) and (3) of this section, the name of the food is “Table sirup”, “Sirup”, “Pancake sirup”, “Waffle sirup”, “Pancake and waffle sirup”, or “___ sirup”, the blank being filled in with the word or words that designate the sweetening ingredient that characterizes the food, except “maple”, “cane”, or “sorghum” alone, such sirups being required to comply in all respects with §§ 168.130, 168.140, and 168.160, respectively, and in the case of more than one sweetening ingredient, in descending order of predominance by weight in the food. The type shall be of uniform style and size.

  (1) When one of the sweeteners constitutes at least 80 percent of the total sweetener solids, the name of the food may be designated as the corresponding sirup, for example, “Corn sirup”, provided that the name is immediately and conspicuously followed, without intervening written, printed, or graphic matter, by the statement “with ___” as part of the name, the blank being filled in with the name or names of each additional sweetening ingredient present, stated in a clear legible manner in letters of uniform style and size not less than one-half the height of, nor larger than, the letters used in the name of the principal sweetener.

  (2) When butter is used, as provided for in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the name of the food may be “Buttered ___”, the blank being filled in with the name otherwise prescribed in this paragraph. The percentage by weight of butter present shall be declared as part of the name of the food as prescribed by part 102 of this chapter.

  (3) Alternatively, the word “sirup” may be spelled “syrup”。

  (d) (1) Label declaration. Each of the ingredients used in the food shall be declared on the label as required by the applicable sections of parts 101 and 130 of this chapter.

  (2) A statement (other than in the ingredient listing) or a vignette identifying a flavor may be included on the label only if such flavor contributes the primary recognizable flavor that characterizes the sirup. When maple, honey, or both maple and honey are represented as the characterizing flavors, the total quantity of maple sirup or honey, singly, or of maple sirup and honey in combination, shall be not less than 10 percent by weight of the finished food. The presence of any natural or artificial flavor in the food shall be declared on the label as prescribed by the applicable sections of part 101 of this chapter.

  (3) The percentage of any optional ingredient used shall be declared as part of the name of the food as prescribed by part 102 of this chapter when all of the following conditions apply to the use of the ingredient:

  (i) It is one of the characterizing ingredients permitted by paragraphs (b)(1) (i) and (ii) of this section.

  (ii) The ingredient is either named on the label other than in the list of ingredients or is suggested by vignette or other labeling.

  [42 FR 14479, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 58 FR 2886, Jan. 6, 1993]

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