
§ 316.16 为用户提供的特定产品需标注“不得直接用于销售”字样(Custom prepared products to be marked “Not for Sale.”)

   2013-01-22 990
核心提示:   316.16 Custom prepared products to be marked Not for Sale.  Carcasses and parts therefrom that are prepared on a

  § 316.16   Custom prepared products to be marked “Not for Sale.”

  Carcasses and parts therefrom that are prepared on a custom basis under § 303.1(a)(2) of this subchapter shall be marked at the time of preparation with the term “Not for Sale” in letters at least three-eighths inch in height, except that such products need not be so marked if in immediate containers properly labeled in accordance with the regulations in § 317.16 of this subchapter. Ink used for marking such products must comply with the requirements of § 316.5.

标签: 销售 标注
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