
新澳食品标准法(Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991)

   2011-08-19 529
核心提示:  Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991  Act No. 118 of 1991 as amended  This compilation was prepared on

  Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991

  Act No. 118 of 1991 as amended

  This compilation was prepared on 1 March 2011

  taking into account amendments up to Act No. 121 of 2010

  The text of any of those amendments not in force

  on that date is appended in the Notes section

  The operation of amendments that have been incorporated may be affected by application provisions that are set out in the Notes section

  Prepared by the Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing,

  AttorneyGeneral’s Department, Canberra


  Part 1—Preliminary

  1…… Short title [see Note 1]…… 1

  2…… Commencement [see Note 1]…… 1

  3…… Object of Act…… 1

  4…… Interpretation…… 2

  5…… Meaning of food…… 7

  6…… Declaration of what is food…… 7

  7…… How is public notice given?…… 8

  8…… When is an exclusive capturable commercial benefit conferred on an applicant?

  9…… Operation of Act…… 9

  10…… Act to bind Crown…… 9

  11…… Application of the Criminal Code…… 10

  Part 2—The Authority

  Division 1—Establishment, functions and powers of the Authority 11

  12…… Establishment of Authority…… 11

  13…… Functions…… 11

  14…… Powers…… 13

  15…… Minister may give directions…… 14

  Division 2—Food regulatory measures    15

  16…… Matters that may be included in standards and variations of standards 15

  17…… Codes of practice…… 17

  18…… Objectives of the Authority in developing or reviewing food regulatory measures and  variations of food regulatory measures…… 17

  19…… Notices to be given to the Gene Technology Regulator…… 18

  Division 3—Forward planning                   19

  20…… Authority to develop three year plan…… 19

  Part 3—Food regulatory measures

  Division 1—Applications for the development or variation of food regulatory measures     20

  Subdivision A—Overview          20

  21…… Steps in the consideration of an application…… 20

  Subdivision B—Applications       21

  22…… Applications…… 21

  23…… Application guidelines…… 22

  24…… Withdrawal of applications…… 23

  Subdivision C—Procedures for considering applications   23

  25…… Which procedure is appropriate?…… 23

  Subdivision D—General procedure    24

  26…… Accepting an application…… 24

  27…… Notice of acceptance…… 25

  28…… Public notice of the application…… 25

  29…… Assessing the application…… 27

  30…… Preparing a draft variation…… 27

  31…… Calling for submissions…… 28

  32…… Alternative steps to be followed…… 28

  33…… Approving the draft standard or draft variation…… 28

  34…… Notifying the Council…… 29

  35…… Alternative to steps set out in sections 33 and 34—approving the draft code of practice or draft variation              30

  Subdivision E—Modification of general procedure for minor variations 31

  36…… Application of Subdivision…… 31

  37…… Adopt the general procedure with the modifications set out in this Subdivision    31

  38…… Modification of step set out in section 29…… 31

  39…… Modification of step set out in section 30…… 32

  40…… Modification of step set out in section 31…… 32

  41…… Modification of steps set out in sections 32, 33, 34 and 35…… 32

  Subdivision F—Modification of general procedure for developing new food regulatory measures and major variations             34

  42…… Application of Subdivision…… 34

  43…… Adopt the general procedure with the modifications set out in this Subdivision   34

  44…… Additional step after step set out in section 29…… 34

  45…… Matters to which Authority must have regard in making a decision under section 30    35

  Subdivision G—Procedure for certain variations of the Nutrition, Health and Related Claims Standard            35

  46…… Application of Subdivision…… 35

  47…… Accepting the application…… 35

  48…… Notice of acceptance…… 36

  49…… Notice of the application to expert committee and Food Regulation Standing Committee   37

  50…… Considering the application…… 38

  51…… Calling for submissions…… 39

  52…… Approving the draft variation in relation to high level health claims 40

  53…… Notifying the Council…… 41

  Division 2—Proposals for the development or variation of food regulatory measures    42

  Subdivision A—Overview            42

  54…… Steps in the consideration of a proposal…… 42

  Subdivision B—Proposals               43

  55…… Proposals…… 43

  56…… Abandonment of proposals…… 44

  Subdivision C—Procedures for considering proposals          44

  57…… Which procedure is appropriate?…… 44

  Subdivision D—General procedure           44

  58…… Public notice of a proposal…… 44

  59…… Assessing a proposal…… 45

  60…… Preparing a draft food regulatory measure or draft variation…… 45

  61…… Calling for submissions…… 45

  62…… Alternative steps to be followed…… 46

  63…… Approving the draft standard or draft variation…… 46

  64…… Notifying the Council…… 47

  65…… Alternative to steps set out in sections 63 and 64—approving the draft code of practice or draft variation   48

  Subdivision E—Modification of general procedure for minor variations 49

  66…… Application of Subdivision…… 49

  67…… Adopt the general procedure with the modifications set out in this Subdivision    49

  68…… Modification of step set out in section 61…… 49

  69…… Modification of steps set out in sections 62, 63, 64 and 65…… 50

  Subdivision F—Modification of general procedure for developing new food regulatory measures and major variations                       51

  70…… Application of Subdivision…… 51

  71…… Adopt the general procedure with the modifications set out in this Subdivision       51

  72…… Additional step after step set out in section 59…… 52

  73…… Matters to which Authority must have regard in making a decision under section 60      52

  Subdivision G—Procedure for certain variations of the Nutrition, Health and Related Claims Standard  52

  74…… Application of Subdivision…… 52

  75…… Notice of the proposal…… 52

  76…… Considering the proposal…… 53

  77…… Calling for submissions…… 54

  78…… Approving the draft variation in relation to high level health claims 54

  79…… Notifying the Council…… 55

  Division 2A—Variations by APVMA of the Maximum Residue Limits Standard    56

  80…… Application of Division…… 56

  81…… Authority to give notice of APVMA notification…… 56

  82…… APVMA may vary the Maximum Residue Limits Standard…… 56

  83…… No limit on the Authority’s power to vary the Maximum Residue Limits Standard 58

  Division 3—Council review of draft standards and draft variations of standards     59

  84…… Council may request a review…… 59

  85…… Review not requested…… 59

  86…… Review requested…… 59

  87…… Authority to respond to request…… 60

  88…… Council may amend or reject draft after review…… 60

  89…… Council does not intend to amend or reject the draft…… 61

  90…… Council amends the draft…… 61

  91…… Council rejects the draft…… 61

  92…… Publication requirements…… 61

  93…… When a standard or variation takes effect…… 62

  94…… Standards are legislative instruments, but not subject to disallowance or sunsetting    62

  Division 4—Urgent applications and proposals          63

  Subdivision A—Urgent consideration of applications and proposals     63

  95…… Declaration of urgency…… 63

  96…… Preparation of draft standard or variation…… 64

  97…… Approval and publication of standard or variation…… 65

  Subdivision B—Assessing the resulting standard or variation   66

  98…… Application…… 66

  99…… Assessing the standard or variation…… 66

  100…… Calling for submissions…… 67

  101…… Reaffirm the standard or variation or propose changes…… 67

  102…… Council may request Authority to review…… 68

  103…… Review requested…… 69

  104…… Authority to respond to request…… 69

  106…… Council may revoke or amend standard or variation…… 70

  Division 5—General rules for considering applications and proposals 72

  107…… General conduct in considering an application or proposal…… 72

  108…… Authority may require further information…… 72

  109…… Period within which consideration of applications for standards or variations must be completed           73

  110…… Rejecting an application or abandoning a proposal…… 75

  111…… Public hearings…… 77

  112…… Authority may rely on work or processes of other government agencies 77

  Division 6—Other matters             79

  113…… Review of food regulatory measures…… 79

  114…… Confidential commercial information…… 79

  Part 4—The Board, the Chief Executive Officer and the Authority’s staff

  Division 1—The Board                 83

  115…… Board…… 83

  116…… Constitution of Board…… 83

  117…… Appointment of members…… 87

  118…… Committees…… 88

  119…… Remuneration and allowances…… 89

  120…… Leave of absence of members…… 90

  121…… Acting appointments…… 90

  122…… Meetings…… 91

  123…… Conduct of meetings…… 91

  124…… Resolutions without formal meetings…… 92

  125…… Disclosure of interests…… 92

  126…… Resignation…… 92

  127…… Termination of appointment…… 92

  Division 2—The Chief Executive Officer          94

  128…… Appointment…… 94

  129…… Duties…… 94

  130…… Delegation…… 95

  131…… Remuneration and allowances…… 95

  132…… Resignation…… 95

  133…… Other terms and conditions…… 95

  134…… Acting Chief Executive Officer…… 96

  Division 3—Staff, consultants and assistance from other agencies   97

  135…… Staff of Authority…… 97

  136…… Consultants…… 97

  137…… Arrangements with Commonwealth Departments etc…… 97

  Part 5—Finance         99

  138…… Money to be appropriated…… 99

  139…… Money of Authority…… 99

  140…… Taxation…… 99

  141…… Trust money…… 100

  Part 6—Miscellaneous                   101

  142…… documents and samples become Commonwealth property…… 101

  143…… Review of decisions…… 101

  144…… Statement accompanying notification of decisions…… 102

  145…… Fees for services provided to New Zealand…… 103

  146…… Charges relating to the Authority’s costs…… 103

  147…… Charge—late payment penalty…… 104

  148…… Charge—discount for early payment…… 104

  149…… Charge and late payment penalty—remissions and refunds…… 104

  150…… Delegation by Board…… 104

  151…… Exemption from suit…… 106

  152…… Annual report…… 106

  153…… Regulations…… 110  

                 Notes …… 111

                                                                                                            111具体内容请详见   新澳食品标准法Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 C2011C00117.pdf

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