Standard 2.5.5 Butter
This Standard defines the term ‘butter’ and sets compositional requirements for the product.
Editorial note:
The Australian processing requirements for butter are contained in Standard 4.2.4.
New Zealand has its own processing requirements for milk and milk products.
Table of Provisions
1 Interpretation
2 Composition of butter
3. Addition of other foods during production
1 Interpretation
In this Code –
buttermeans a product derived exclusively from milk and products obtained from milk, principally in the form of an emulsion of the type water-in-oil.
2 Composition of butter
Butter must contain no less than 80.0% m/m milkfat.
3 Addition of other foods during production
Butter may contain –
(a) water; and
(b) salt; and
(c) lactic acid producing microorganisms; and
(d) flavour producing microorganisms.