This standard regulates plants and fungi. It lists the species of plants and fungi that must not be added to food or offered for sale as food. It also lists the species of plants and fungi that may not be used in food except as a source of a flavouring substance.
Table of Provisions
1 Prohibited plants and fungi
2 Restricted plants and fungi
Schedule 1 Prohibited plants and fungi
Schedule 2 Restricted plants and fungi
1 Prohibited plants and fungi
(1) A plant or fungus, or a part or a derivative of a plant or fungus listed in Schedule 1, or any substance derived therefrom, must not be intentionally added to food or offered for sale as food.
(2) Eurythroxylum coca (coca bush) or any substance derived therefrom must not be present in a food unless the cocaine has been removed.
Editorial note:
Subclause (1) is not intended to prohibit the unintentional addition of plants and fungi to food that occur within the bounds of recognised acceptable Good Agricultural Practice or Good Manufacturing Practice. If a public health and safety concern is identified because of the presence of such substances, they will be addressed through the setting of a limit on these substances in final food products.
2 Restricted plants and fungi
A plant or fungus, or a part or a derivative of a plant or fungus listed in Schedule 2, or any substance derived there from, may only be added to or be present in a food if it complies with the requirements for natural toxicants from the addition of a flavouring substance in the Table to clause 4 of Standard 1.4.1.
Editorial Note:
Clause 4 of Standard 1.4.1 imposes maximum levels of natural toxicants arising from the use of certain flavouring substances.
Standard 1.3.1 regulates food additives, including the addition and presence of flavourings in food.
Prohibited Plants and Fungi
Column 1 | Column 2 |
Species name | Common name |
Abrus cantoniensis | |
Abrus precatorius | Jequirity seeds |
Acokanthera schimperi | Arrow poison tree |
Aconitum spp. | Aconite |
Acorus calamus | Calamus oil |
Adonis vernalis | False hellebore, Spring adonis |
Aesculus hippocastanum | Horse chestnut, Buckeye |
Alocasia macrorrhiza | Cunjevoi, Elephant ear, Kape, ‘Ape, Ta’amu |
Alstonia constricta | Alstonia |
Amanita muscaria | Agaricus, Fly agaric |
Amanita spp. | Amanita Mushroom |
Ammi visnaga | Bisnaga, Khella |
Anadenanthera peregrina | Cohoba yope, Niopo |
Anchusa officinalis | Bugloss |
Apocynum androsaemifolium | Bitter root, Spreading dogbane |
Apocynum cannabinum | Canadian hemp, Dogbane, Indian hemp |
Areca catechu nut | Betel nut |
Argyreia nervosa | Woolly morning glory |
Aristolochia spp. | Birthwort, Snakeroot |
Arnica spp. | Arnica |
Atropa belladonna | Deadly nightshade, Dwale |
Banisteriopsis spp. | Banisteria, Caapi |
Borago officinalis | Borage |
Brachyglottis spp. | Rangiora |
Brunfelsia uniflora | Manaca, Mercury |
Bryonia alba | European white bryony |
Bryonia dioica | White bryony |
Cacalia spp. | |
Calotropis spp. | Calotropis |
Cannabis spp. | Hemp, Marijuana |
Catha edulis | Khat, Chat |
Catharanthus spp. | Periwinkle |
Cestrum nocturnum | Queen of the night, Night blooming jessamine |
Chelidonium majus | Common celandine, Greater celandine |
Chenopodium ambrosioides | Wormseed, Mexican goosefoot, Pigweed, America wormseed |
Cicuta virosa | Cowbane, European water hemlock |
Clitocybe spp. | Fungi |
Colchicum autumnale | Autumn crocus, Meadow saffron |
Conium maculatum | Hemlock |
Conocybe spp. | |
Convallaria majalis | Lily of the Valley |
Copelandia spp. | Fungi |
Coprinus atramentarius | Common ink cap |
Coriaria spp. | Tutu, Tuupaakihi, Puuhou, Toot |
Cornyocarpus laevigatus seed | Karaka kernel, New Zealand laurel |
Coronilla spp. | Crown vetch |
Cortinarius spp. | Fungi |
Coryanthe yohimbe | Yohimbe |
Crotolaria spp. | Crotolaria |
Croton tiglium | Croton, Purging croton |
Cycas media | Zamia palm |
Cynoglossum officinale | Hound’s tongue, Beggar’s lice |
Cytisus scoparius(see Sarothamnus scoparius) | |
Daphne spp. | Daphne, Mezereum, Spurge laurel |
Datura stramonium | Jimson weed, Datura, Thornapple |
Delphinium spp. | Larkspur, Stavesacre |
Digitalis purpurea | Foxglove |
Schedule 1
Prohibited Plants and Fungi (continued)
Column 1 | Column 2 |
Species name | Common name |
Dryopteris filix-mas | Male fern |
Duboisia spp. | Corkwood, Pituri |
Echium plantagineum | Patterson’s curse, Salvation Jane |
Echium vulgare | Viper’s bugloss |
Entoloma sinuatus | Fungus |
Ephedra sinica | Ma-huang |
Erysimum canescens | |
Euonymus europaeus | Spindle tree, Skewer wood |
Eupatorium rugosum | White snakeroot |
Euphorbia spp. | Euphorbia, Milkweed, Spurge, Pennyroyal oil |
Farfugium japonicum | |
Galanthus nivalis | Snowdrop |
Galerina spp. | Fungi |
Gelsemium sempervirens | Yellow Jessamine, Gelsemium |
Gymnopilus spp. | Fungi |
Gyromitra esculenta | False morel |
Haemadictyon amazonica | Yage |
Heliotropium spp. | Heliotrope |
Helleborous niger | Black hellebore, Christmas rose |
Hemerocallis fulva | Pale day lily |
Hippomane mancinella | Manzanillo |
Homeria breyniana (see Homeria collina) | |
Homeria collina | One-leaved cape tulip |
Homeria miniata | Two-leaved cape tulip |
Hydrastis canadensis | Goldenseal root or its extract |
Hydnocarpus anthelmentica | Chalmoogra seed |
Hyoscyamus niger Hypholoma fasciculare | Black henbane, Stinking nightshade Sulphur tuft |
Ilex aquifolium | Holly, English holly |
Inocybe spp. | Fungi |
Ipomoea burmanni | Morning glory |
Ipomoea hederacea | Morning glory |
Ipomoea tricolor (see Ipomoea violacea) | |
Ipomoea violacea | Morning glory |
Juniperus sabina oil | Savin oil |
Kalmia latifolia | Calico bush, Mountain Laurel, Ivy Bush |
Laburnum anagyroides | Laburnum, Golden chain, Golden rain, Bean tree |
Lantana camara | Lantana |
Laurelia nova-zelandiae | Pukatea |
Lepiota morgani | Fungus |
Lithospermum spp. | |
Lobelia inflata | Indian tobacco, Lobelia |
Lophophora spp. | Peyote |
Lycium ferocissimum | Boxthorn, African boxthorn |
Mahonia aquifolium | Oregon grape or Mountain grape root or its extract |
Mandragora officinarum | European mandrake |
Manihot esculenta Crantz (other than Sweet Cassava) | Cassava |
Melia azedarach | White cedar, Indian bead tree, Chinaberry |
Menispermum canadense | Yellow parilla, Moonseed |
Myoporum laetum | Ngaio, Kaio |
Narcissus jonquille | Narcissus, Daffodil, Jonquil |
Narcissus poeticus | Narcissus, Daffodil, Jonquil |
Narcissus pseudonarcissus | Narcissus, Daffodil, Jonquil |
Nerium oleander | Oleander |
Nicotiana spp. | Tobacco |
Oenanthe aquatica(see Oenanthe phellandrium) | |
Oenanthe phellandrium | Water fennel, Water dropwort |
Schedule 1
Prohibited Plants and Fungi (continued)
Column 1 | Column 2 |
Species name | Common name |
Omphalotus spp. | Fungi |
Opuntia cylindrica | San Pedro cactus, Cane cactus |
Panaeolus spp. | Fungi |
Papaver bracteatum | Oriental poppy |
Papaver somniferum (other than seeds) | Opium poppy |
Pausinystalia yohimbe (see Coryanthe yohimbe) | |
Peganum harmala | Wild rue |
Petasites spp. | Butterbur |
Peumus boldus | Boldo |
Phoradendron flavascens(see Viscum flavescens) | |
Phoradendron serotinum(see Viscum flavescens) | |
Phoradendron tomentosum(see Viscum flavescens) | |
Physostigma venenosum | Calabar bean, Ordeal bean |
Phytolacca decandra | Red pokeweed, Poke root |
Phytolacca americana(see Phytolacca decandra) | |
Phytolacca octandra | Inkweed, Red ink plant, Dyeberry |
Pilocarpus spp. | |
Piptadenia macrocarpa | Cebil colorado, Cura pag |
Piptadenia peregrina | Cohoba, Coxoba, Yoke |
Pithomyces chartarum | Fungus |
Pluteus spp. | Fungi |
Podophyllum peltatum | American mandrake, Mayapple, Podophyllum |
Prestonia amazonica (see Haemodictyon amazonica) | |
Prunus laurocerasus | Cherry laurel |
Psoralea corylifolia | Malay tea |
Psylocybe spp. | Fungi |
Pteridium aquilinum | Bracken Fern |
Pulmonaria spp. | Lungwort |
Punica granatum stem and root bark | Pomegranate |
Rauwolfia spp. | Devil pepper, Rauwolfia |
Ricinus communis | Castor bean, Castor oil plant |
Robinia pseudoacacia | Black locust, False acacia |
Sanguinaria canadensis | Bloodroot, Bloodwort |
Sarothamnus scoparius | Common broom |
Scopolia carniolica | Scopolia |
Senecio spp. | Ragwort |
Solanum aviculare | Poroporo, Pooporo, Kohoho, Bullibulli |
Solanum diflorum | False Jerusalem cherry |
Solanum dulcamara | Bittersweet twigs, Blue bindweed, Woody nightshade, Nightshade |
Solanum laciniatum (see Solanum aviculare) | |
Solanum linnaenum (see Solanum sodomeum) | |
Solanum nigrum | Black nightshade |
Solanum pseudocapsicum | Jerusalem cherries |
Solanum sodomeum | Apple of Sodom |
Sophora microphylla | Kowhai |
Sophora secundiflora | Mescal bean |
Spartium junceum | Spanish broom |
Spigela marilandica | Pinkroot, Worm grass |
Strophanthus gratus | Strophanthus |
Strophanthus kombe | Strophanthus |
Stropharia cubensis | Fungus |
Strychnos gautheriana | Hoang nan |
Strychnos ignatii | Ignatious bean |
Strychnos malaccensis(see Strychnos gautheriana) | |
Strychnos nux-vomica | Poison nut, Nux vomica |
Schedule 1
Prohibited Plants and Fungi (continued)
Column 1 | Column 2 |
Species name | Common name |
Symphytum asperum | Prickly comfrey |
Symphytum officinale | Common comfrey |
Symphytum x uplandicum | Russian comfrey |
Tamus communis | Blackeye root, Black bryony |
Taxus baccata | Yew, European yew, Common yew |
Thevetia neriifolia (see Thevetia peruviana) | |
Thevetia peruviana | Snake nut |
Trichodesma africana | |
Tricholoma muscarium | Fungus |
Tussilago farfara | Coltsfoot |
Veratrum spp. | Hellebore |
Vinca spp. | Periwinkle |
Virola sebifera | Cuajo negro, Camaticaro |
Viscum album | European mistletoe berries |
Viscum flavescens | American mistletoe |
Xysmalobium undulatum | Uzara, Thornbush |
Zamia integrifolia | Coonties, Florida arrowroot |
Requirements relating to Kava (Piper methysticum) are contained in Standard 2.6.3 of this Code.
Sweet cassava is defined in Standard 1.1.2 and the requirements for it are contained in clause 2 of 1.2.1 and clause 3 of Standard 1.2.6
Restricted Plants and Fungi
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Species name | Common Name | Natural Toxicant |
Artemisia absinthium | Common wormwood | Thujone, santonin |
Artemisia cina Berg | Levant wormseed | Thujone, santonin |
Artemisia maritima | Levant wormseed | Thujone, santonin |
Artemisia vulgaris | Mugwort | Thujone, santonin |
Chrysanthemum balsamita | Costmary | Thujone |
Chrysanthemum parthenium(see Tanacetum parthenium) | ||
Cinchona spp. | Cinchona | Quinine |
Cinnamomum camphora | Camphor tree oil | Safrole, coumarin |
Cinnamomum micranthum | Micranthum oil | Safrole, coumarin |
Hedeoma pulegioides oil | American pennyroyal White snakeroot oil | Pulegone |
Hypericum perforatum | St John's wort | Hypericine |
Mentha pulegium oil | European pennyroyal oil | Pulegone |
Sassafras albidum | American sassafras oil | Safrole |
Sassafras officinale (see Sassafras albidum) | ||
Tanacetum balsamita (see Chrysanthemum balsamita) | ||
Tanacetum parthenium | Feverfew | Santonin |
Tanacetum vulgare | Tansy oil | Thujone |
Thuja occidentalis | Thuja, White cedar | Thujone |