

   2017-02-23 326
核心提示:Listeria strategyA comprehensive programme of work under theListeriaRisk Management Strategy was undertaken by MPI from
Listeria strategy

A comprehensive programme of work under the Listeria Risk Management Strategy was undertaken by MPI from 2008 to 2015. The objective of the strategy was to estimate the proportion of cases of listeriosis attributable to foods, and to identify, implement and evaluate effective control measures. The output of the strategy included results from research projects and the development of resources to assist food operators, third party auditors, evaluators and food safety consultants.

Listeria fact sheets

These factsheets provide information on Listeria and key good operating practices for the management and control of Listeria in the processing environment.

Listeria monocytogenes and ready-to-eat foods (PDF, 662 KB) Listeria Control Measures (PDF, 327 KB) Cleaning and sanitising (PDF, 455 KB) Environmental testing for Listeria (PDF, 1 MB) Testing product for Listeria monocytogenes (PDF, 468 KB)Microbiological Limits for Listeria in food

The microbiological criteria for L. monocytogenes have been revised in the Food Standards Code 1.6.1 – Microbiological Limits for Food. Schedule 27 - Microbiological Limits in Food specifies end point microbiological limits (i.e. measured at the end of a product’s shelf life) for Listeria monocytogenes in all types of RTE foods based on whether growth of the microorganism can occur.







Ready-to-eat food in which growth ofListeria monocytogeneswill not occur

Listeria monocytogenes



100 cfu/g


Ready-to-eat food in which the growth ofListeria monocytogenescan occur

Listeria monocytogenes



Not detected in 25g


It is expected that most operators will continue to apply the limit of Listeria monocytogenes not detected in 25g when testing product regardless of the changes in Standard 1.6.1. This is because it can be difficult to confirm that growth will not occur and when testing product, finding any Listeria monocytogenes may indicate that the process or product controls have not been fully effective.

Fact Sheet for Microbiological Limits for L.monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods
This fact sheet provides general advice to processors of ready-to-eat (RTE) food in applying the microbiological limits forListeria monocytogenes in RTE foods in accordance with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code Standard 1.6.1.

Fact Sheet for Microbiological Limits for L. monocytogenes in fresh leafy salads, fresh fruit salads, sprouted seeds and smoked and gravadlax seafood
This fact sheet provides general advice to processors of certain ready-to-eat (RTE) food (e.g. fresh leafy salads, fresh fruit salads, sprouted seeds and smoked and gravadlax seafood) in applying the microbiological limits for Listeria monocytogenes in RTE foods in accordance with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code Standard 1.6.1.

Training Resources

The “Swabbing for Listeria” video has been developed to help Risk Management Programme operators create an environmental testing programme. The video provides instructions on how to collect environmental samples from the processing area forListeria testing.

Video: Swabbing for Listeria – YouTube

Listeria guidance material

This material provides information on the characteristics ofListeria, its sources, how it may enter the processing environment, and the consequences of food contamination. It also provides guidance material on the management and control ofListeria including specific good operating practices, microbiological testing and responses when Listeria monocytogenesis detected in the product or processing area.

Guidance for the control of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods

Part 1: Listeria Management and Glossary

Part 2: Good Operating Practices

Part 3: Monitoring activities

Part 4: Corrective Actions

Research projects

Here are the MPI research projects on Listeria and listeriosis.

Listeria specific research  
  Annual foodborne illness reports

指导文件原文见附件: Listeria guidance

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