

   2017-02-24 499
核心提示:I. PURPOSE This notice reissues the information from FSIS Notice 18-15, Analysis for Salmonella of All Imported Beef Pro
This notice reissues the information from FSIS Notice 18-15, Analysis for Salmonella of All imported Beef Products Sampled for Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and updates the reorganization change of import inspection personnel to inspection program personnel (IPP).
• Raw beef samples, including import MT08 and MT51samples, collected for STEC analysis will also be analyzed for Salmonella
• Inspection program personnel are not to add a Salmonella type of inspection (TOI) for the analysis
• The Salmonella analysis result is non-regulatory, and if positive, the product is not a refused entry
• How to notify the importer of record when a sample tests positive for Salmonella but is negative for STECs
FSIS does not consider Salmonella an adulterant in raw meat products. Therefore, a positive test result for Salmonella in imported raw beef product, sampled by FSIS IPP, does not require a regulatory control action to be taken.
III. SAMPLE COLLECTION When IPP receive an E. coli O157:H7 MT08 or E. coli O157:H7 MT51 TOI, under which imported boneless manufacturing trimming are to be tested for STEC, they are to: 1. Collect samples following the sampling instructions in FSIS Directive 10,010.
1, Verification Activities for Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Raw Beef Products;
2. Continue to follow the instructions on notifying establishments about sample collection for STEC analysis that are set out in FSIS Directive 10,010.1; and
3. Inform official import inspection establishment management that all samples analyzed for STEC will also be analyzed for Salmonella. However, IPP are to be aware that the importer of record (IOR) only has to hold and control the lot until the results for STEC are reported, provided there are no other unreported laboratory samples requiring the lot to continue to be held.
NOTE: Salmonella results reporting may take 1 – 3 days longer than STEC reporting.
IV. OBTAINING SAMPLE RESULTS IPP are to retrieve and view the sample results in LIMS-Direct or in the Public Health Information System (PHIS). The results will appear as shown below, displaying a Nonregulatory result for Salmonella sp., which will display as either ‘positive’ or ‘negative.’
A. IPP are to follow the instructions set out in FSIS Directive 10,010.1 on responding to positive FSIS results for the adulterant STEC. In addition to the instructions in FSIS Directive 10,010.1, IPP are to access the Lot Manager page for the lot in PHIS and initiate a refused entry by clicking on the Refused Entry button and on Add New Reason on the refused entry page. For Refusal Reason, select Failed Laboratory Analyses, and for Defects, select Tested Positive for Pathogens, and then Save the refused entry.
B. For a negative STEC result, IPP are to advise the IOR holding the product that the lot does not need to continue to be held pending the availability of Salmonella results because the product is negative for STEC.
C. For a positive Salmonella result, IPP are to advise the IOR the sample tested positive for Salmonella, and that FSIS will not take any enforcement action.
D. For a negative Salmonella result, IPP are to advise the IOR the sample tested negative for Salmonella.
NOTE: When IPP receive the Salmonella result before the STEC results, they are to wait to notify the IOR of Salmonella results until after receiving the STEC results.
When a sample tests positive for Salmonella and negative for STECs, and the IOR requests that the lot not be stamped “U.S. Inspected & Passed” because the IOR wants to drawback the entire or partial lot from the United States, import inspection personnel are to:
1. Request the IOR to provide one of the following completed Customs and Border Protection (CBP) forms: a. Form 7551, DRAWBACK ENTRY; b. Form 7552, DELIVERY CERTIFICATE FOR PURPOSES OF DRAWBACK; or c. Form 7553, NOTICE OF INTENT TO EXPORT, DESTROY OR RETURN MERCHANDISE FOR PURPOSES OF DRAWBACK.
2. Review the form to verify the product and the amount of product coincides, at a minimum, with the kind of product and the weight of the product being withdrawn for the lot;
3. Attach the form to the case file;
4. Access the Lot Manager page for the lot in PHIS, select Lot Tracking, and select, as appropriate, either “Entire Lot Withdrawn – Salmonella Positive” or “Partial Lot Withdrawn – Salmonella Positive”; and
5. When all TOIs are completed, select Release Acceptable Units to close out the lot in PHIS.
NOTE: FSIS will not take any enforcement action or perform follow-up sampling on lots identified as a positive Salmonella result.
Refer questions regarding this notice through your supervisor or submit your questions through askFSIS. When submitting a question, use the Submit a Question tab, and enter the following information in the fields provided: Subject Field: Enter Notice 14-17 Question Field: Enter question with as much detail as possible. Product Field: Select import from the drop-down menu. Category Field: Select Basic import Answers from the drop-down menu. Policy Arena: Select International (import/Export) from the drop-down menu. When all fields are complete, press Continue and at the next screen press Finish Submitting Question.
NOTE: Refer to FSIS Directive 5620.1, Using askFSIS, for additional information on submitting questions.

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