
澳新食品标准法典-2.2.2-蛋及蛋制品(Egg and Egg Products)

   2013-07-25 436
核心提示:Standard 2.2.2 Egg and Egg ProductsPurposeThis Standard provides definitions and requirements for egg and egg products.
Standard 2.2.2 Egg and Egg Products
This Standard provides definitions and requirements for egg and egg products. Processing requirements for egg products and requirements relating to the sale of cracked eggs are included in this Standard and Standard 1.6.2.
Table of Provisions
1             Interpretation
2             Processing of egg products
3             Sale of cracked eggs
1             Interpretation
In this Code –
egg meansthe reproductive body in shells obtained from any avian species, the shell being free from visible cracks, faecal matter, soil or other foreign matter.
egg products means the content of egg, as part or whole, in liquid, frozen or dried form.
visible cracks includes cracks visible by candling.
2             Processing of egg products
(1)           Subject to subclause (2), egg products must be pasteurised or undergo an equivalent treatment so that the egg product meets the microbiological criteria specified in Standard 1.6.1.
(2)           Subclause (1) does not apply to the non-retail sale of egg products used in a food which is pasteurised or undergoes an equivalent treatment so that the egg product used in the food meets the microbiological criteria specified in Standard 1.6.1.
3             Sale of cracked eggs
(1)           Cracked eggs must not be made available for retail sale or for catering purposes.
(2)           Egg products derived from cracked eggs sold -
(a)          not for retail sale; or
(b)          not for catering purposes;
must be pasteurised or have undergone an equivalent treatment so that the egg product meets the microbiological criteria specified in Standard 1.6.1.
Editorial Note:
Standard 1.2.3 requires unpasteurised egg and egg products to be labelled with an advisory statement that the product is unpasteurised.

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