
§179.39 用于食品加工和处理的紫外辐射(Ultraviolet radiation for the processing and treatment of food)

   2011-12-23 1005
核心提示:179.39 Ultraviolet radiation for the processing and treatment of food   Ultraviolet radiation for the processing and

   §179.39 Ultraviolet radiation for the processing and treatment of food

      Ultraviolet radiation for the processing and treatment of food may be safely used under the following conditions:

  (a) The radiation sources consist of low pressure mercury lamps emitting 90 percent of the emission at a wavelength of 253.7 nanometers (2,537 Angstroms).

  (b) The ultraviolet radiation is used or intended for use as follows:

 Irradiated food  Limitations Use
 Food and food products  Without ozone production: high fat-content food irradiated in vacuum or in an inert atmosphere; intensity of radiation, 1 W (of 2,537 A. radiation) per 5 to 10 ft.2 Surface microorganism control. 
 Potable water  Without ozone production; coefficient of absorption, 0.19 per cm or less; flow rate, 100 gal/h per watt of 2,537 A. radiation; water depth, 1 cm or less; lamp-operating temperature, 36 to 46 °C.  Sterilization of water used in food production.
 Juice products  Turbulent flow through tubes with a minimum Reynolds number of 2,200.  Reduction of human pathogens and other microorganisms.

  [42 FR 14635, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 65 FR 71057, Nov. 29, 2000]

标签: 辐照 食品加工
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