

品牌: 科多
产品规格: 医药级
单价: 面议
供货总量: 2000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 5 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 连云港市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-05-30 03:58
浏览次数: 503
BP/USP重质碳酸镁生产厂家联络直线:0518-85397819;15261352833,朱 文娣。 满足中国药典2010质量指标。
MAGNESIUM CARBonATE FOOD GRADE一、化学名:医药级碳酸镁,碱式碳酸镁二、分子式:xMgCO3•yMg(OH) 2•nH2O三、分子量:----四、CAS: 39409-82-0五、性状:常温时为三水盐。轻质为白色易碎块状或松散的白色粉末。无臭。相对密度2.2。熔点350℃。在空气中稳定。加热至700℃发生二氧化碳,生成氧化镁。几乎不溶于水,但在水中引起轻微的碱性反应。不溶于乙醇,可被烯酸溶解并发泡。六、用途:碱性剂;干燥剂;护色剂;抗结剂;载体;膨松剂;酸度调节剂。七、包装:净重25kg,复合牛皮纸袋内衬聚氯乙烯袋;八、储运与运输:应贮在阴凉、干燥、通风清洁的库房中,轻装轻放,防止受潮、受热,运输过程中防止雨淋受潮,应与有毒物品隔离堆放。1、Chemical Name: MAGNESIUM CARBONATE2、Molecular Formula: xMgCO3•yMg(OH) 2•nH2O3、Molecular Weight: ---4、CAS: 39409-82-05、Character: In normal temperature, it’s with three hydrates. Light one is white, easily fragile or loose white powder. Odorless. Relative density is 2.2. Melting point is 350℃. It’s stable in the air. When heated to 700℃, it will become magnesium oxide. It’s hardly soluble in water, but it’ll bring a slight alkaline reaction. It can not be soluble in ethanol but it could be soluble in olefine acid with sparkling.6、Usage: It’s used as drier, color ficatives, anticaking agent, carrier, swelling agent, acidity regulator.7、Packing: It is packed with polythene bag as the inner layer, and a compound plastic woven bag as the outer layer. The net weight of each bag is 25kg.8、Storage and Transport: It should be stored in a dark, dry and ventilative warehouse, kept away from water and moisture; unloaded with care to avoid damage. Furthermore, it must be stored separately from poisonous substances.


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