
山楂叶提取物Hawthorn Extract P.E

品牌: Hawthorn Extract P.E
产品规格: Hawthorn Extract P.E
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 陕西 西安市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-03-23 13:27
浏览次数: 931
Hawthorn Extract P.E/ Fructus Crataegi/ CAS NO.: 36052-37-6 Item name: Hawthorn Extract P.E  Plant origin1. English name: Hawthorn Extract P.E2.  Latin name: Fructus Crataegi3. CAS NO.: 36052-37-64. botanical used part: leafplant  extract 1. appearance :brown fine powder2. active ingredients:. flavone3. specification: 10 % 20%4. test methods:UV5. molecular formula : C17H21NO4suggest application:efficacy:1. with the expansion of the role of coronary artery ,myocardial blood supply can improve the ability to reduce myocardial oxygen consumption ,ischemic heart disease to have a significant protective effect.2. Can inhibit the role of thyroid peroxidase3. With lower blood lipid ,inhibit platelet aggregation and the role of spasm4. With free radical scavenging, and enhance the role of immunity.Applications:1. In the food industry ,mainly as a functional food additives, added to a wide range of various types of food.2. In the field of health care product, health products can be used as the production of a wide range of raw materials. With the role of jianweixiaoshi. Are also useful in preventing post-partumsyndrome.3. In the pharmaceutical field, can be added to the coronary heart disease and angina medication in the medication.detection index:Lose:           5% MaxAsh content:     5% MaxHeavy metal:    10ppm MaxPB(pb):       2ppm MaxAS(as):       1ppm MaxPesticide residue: less than0.05PPMSieve pore size:    over 80 mesh:Total plate count: 1000CFU/gYeast&mold:     100CFU/g MaxE.Coli:           negativeSalmonella:       negativePackage&storagePackage:  25kg、fiber drum,or at customer’s requirements   Storage:   store in a cool,dry place and keep away from direct strong light.   Shelf life:  2 years  
 山楂叶提取物【产品名称】山楂叶提取物【别    名】红果、棠棣、绿梨【英文名称】Hawthorn Extract P.E (CAS NO: 36052-37-6)【拉丁名称】Fructus Crataegi【产品来源】 山楂叶提取物系从蔷薇科植物山楂Crataegus pinnatifida Bge. var.major N. E. Br.叶或果的提取物。【产  地】1.山里红分布于华北及山东、江苏、安徽、河南等地
2.山楂分布于东北及内蒙古、河北、山西、陕西、山东、江浙、江南等地【产品性质】山楂提取物是深棕色或棕褐色精细粉末【有效成分】黄酮【规格】10 % 20%【分子式】C17H21NO4【检测方式】uv【工艺流程】 原料→乙醇提取→浓缩→浸膏→喷雾干燥→粉碎、混合、包装→产品【化学成分】含绿原酸(chlorogenic acid)、咖啡酸、山楂酸( crataegolic acid)、齐菊果酸、槲皮素、金丝桃甙(hyperin)、表儿茶精(epicatechin)等【植物描述】植物形态 落叶灌木。枝密生,有细刺,幼枝有柔毛。叶倒卵形,长2-6cm,宽0.8-2.5cm,先端常3裂,基部狭楔形下延至柄,边缘有尖锐重锯齿。伞房花序,总花梗和花梗均有柔毛,花白色。梨果球形或梨形,红色或黄色,直径约1-2cm,宿萼较大,反折。花期5-6月,果期8-10月。【采收时间】秋季果实成熟时采收,切片,干燥.【质量指标】

项目 说明
粒度 80目
干燥失重 ≤5%
灰分 <5%
重金属 < 10ppm
农药残留 <2ppm
总细菌量 < 100cfu/gm
霉菌和酵母菌 <100CFU/gm
大肠杆菌 不得检出
沙门氏菌 不得检出


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