辣椒精Capsicum Oleoresin 辣椒精是从红辣椒果实中提取的辣椒油,再经分离精制而得的一种具有天然辣味的调味品。其中有效成分为辣椒素、蛋白质、氨基酸和糖类,此外还含有少量的辣椒红色素。 Capsicum oleresin is a kind of natural hot sauce separated and refind from capsicin extracted from chlili.Its effectual compo
nets are capsaicin,protein,amino acid and glucide,a few capsanthin as well. 用途: 主要用作调味品和食品厂的原料或家庭、餐馆、食堂的常备佐料。Application Mainly used as sauces and raw materials in food industry or daily used sauces in family and restaurants. 性质: 外观为深棕色粘稠液体,味觉纯正,及其辛辣,含辣素1%的产品辣度与120倍的辣椒粉效果相同。Characteristic Viscous dark brown liquid with characteristic odor,very spicy,a
bout as 120 times spicy as paprika powder. 质量指标: Quality Index1、辣素含量≥1% 1. Capsaicin co
ntent ≥1%2、蛋白质和氨基酸 ≈ 40% 2. Protein and Amino acid a
bout 40%3、色价E1%1cm,460nm 0-10 2.Color E1%1cm,460nm0-104、砷(As)≤2.0mg/kg 4.Arsenic ≤2.0mg/kg 5、铅≤3.0mg/kg 5.lead≤3.0mg/kg 包装: 食品级塑料桶包装,20kg/桶,或根据客户要求包装。Package Packed in food grade polythene drums,20kg/drum or according to the customers’requirements. 存储: 存放于避光、低温、密封、干燥、无毒害物质环境中。Storage Protect from ligjt and heat. Store in cool,dry ,airproof and innocuous conditions.
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