

品牌: GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜
产品规格: GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-06-04 04:52
浏览次数: 500


GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜 GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜是显微镜行业里公认的具有较高分辨率的显微镜,GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜以其的光学设计,展示舒适的光学观察,GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜坚实的机架设计,让显微镜的观察者完全脱离高强度的工作,轻松自如的完成细节的观察,GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜的物镜采用级别的物镜设计(高分辨率,高清晰度),保证图像的呈现。我们以的进口GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜价格.的GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜生产规模.GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜技术服务,全的进口GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜型号回馈给客户。北京进口GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜由北京长恒荣创科技有限公司特别提供,欢迎惠顾!本公司所有GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜产品,价格优惠,质量品牌保证,产品三包,售后有保障,欢迎新老客户来电咨询优惠价格!如果您对GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜感兴趣请致电我公司(GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜的专业供应商),我们将为您提供全的GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜的配置,的GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜的技术参数,的GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜的价格。文章由www.crisoptical.com提供,转载请注明。  GX51奥林巴斯倒置金相显微镜
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 4、 改良的镜体设计,确保操作的方便性
通过简化常用的按键和开关装置来改善操作方便性,以提高操作人员的舒适性。包括光强调节旋钮,调焦装置等都置于一个方便的位置 ,而无论操作人员是站着观察还是坐着观察都能很方便的操作显微镜的各个部分。

  GX71 GX51
Optics UIS optical system (infinity-corrected)
Objective UIS objectives
Eyepiece UIS eyepiece (F.N. 26.5) UIS eyepiece (F.N. 22)
Microscope body Intermediate magnification Zoom incorporated (1x - 2x)
Clicks in the two intermediate positions (can be released)
Imprinting of scale All ports
Reversed positions (up/down/left/right) from observation positions seen through the eyepiece
All ports
Reversed positions (up/down) from observation positions seen through the eyepiece
Power source Power source for illuminator (12V100 halogen) incorporated
Focusing Manual, Coarse and Fine coaxial handle. Focus stroke 9mm (2mm above and 7mm below the stage surface)
Photo frame Incorporated (IN/OUT)
Output port Front port - Photomicrographic equipment (upright image), video and DP system (reversed image, special video adapter for GX)
Side port - Video, DP system (reversed image) Side port (option) - Video, DP system (upright image)
Observation tube Super widefield (F.N. 26.5) U-SWBI30, U-SWTR-2
Widefield (F.N. 22) U-BI90, GX-BI90, U-TR30H
Illuminator Observation method Brightfield, darkfield, simple polarized light, DIC, fluorescence Brightfield, darkfield, simple polarized light, DIC
Illuminator diaphragm FS/AS manually controlled, with centering adjustment
Light source 100W halogen (standard), 100W mercury, 75W xenon, 50W metal halide (optional)
Revolving nosepiece Manual operation Sextuple for BF/DIC, quintuple for BF/DF, quintuple for BF/DF/DIC, Quadruple for BF with centering
Motorized operation Sextuple for BF/DIC, quintuple for BF/DF/DIC
Stage Standrd type Right handle stage for GX (X/Y stroke: 50x50mm)
Option Flexible right handle stage, left short handle stage (each X/Y stroke: 50x50mm)
Gliding stage, rotatable stage for GX (scheduled for introduction in 2003)
Stage insert plate A set of teardrop and long hole types
Image recording Photomicrographic Special photomicrographic lens (attached) gives 10x magnification with large-format camera, 3.3x with 35mm camera
Photomicrographic system - 35mm/large-format camera (simultaneously mountable), 1 % spot/30% average measuring area (switch able), auto/manual exposure, exposure time adjustment, automatic ISO setting, AE lock, multiple exposure, etc
Digital camera, video camera OLYMPUS DP series etc, attachable using appropriate adapters
Combined weight Approx. 37kg
(BF, DF and DIC observations, combined with GX-PHU)
Approx. 28kg
(BF, DF and DIC observations, combined with DP12)
Power consumption 170VA, 140 W (excluding photomicrographic system)

  GX71 GX51
Optics UIS optical system (infinity-corrected)
Objective UIS objectives
Eyepiece UIS eyepiece (F.N. 26.5) UIS eyepiece (F.N. 22)
Microscope body Intermediate magnification Zoom incorporated (1x - 2x)
Clicks in the two intermediate positions (can be released)
Imprinting of scale All ports
Reversed positions (up/down/left/right) from observation positions seen through the eyepiece
All ports
Reversed positions (up/down) from observation positions seen through the eyepiece
Power source Power source for illuminator (12V100 halogen) incorporated
Focusing Manual, Coarse and Fine coaxial handle. Focus stroke 9mm (2mm above and 7mm below the stage surface)
Photo frame Incorporated (IN/OUT)
Output port Front port - Photomicrographic equipment (upright image), video and DP system (reversed image, special video adapter for GX)
Side port - Video, DP system (reversed image) Side port (option) - Video, DP system (upright image)
Observation tube Super widefield (F.N. 26.5) U-SWBI30, U-SWTR-2
Widefield (F.N. 22) U-BI90, GX-BI90, U-TR30H
Illuminator Observation method Brightfield, darkfield, simple polarized light, DIC, fluorescence Brightfield, darkfield, simple polarized light, DIC
Illuminator diaphragm FS/AS manually controlled, with centering adjustment
Light source 100W halogen (standard), 100W mercury, 75W xenon, 50W metal halide (optional)
Revolving nosepiece Manual operation Sextuple for BF/DIC, quintuple for BF/DF, quintuple for BF/DF/DIC, Quadruple for BF with centering
Motorized operation Sextuple for BF/DIC, quintuple for BF/DF/DIC
Stage Standrd type Right handle stage for GX (X/Y stroke: 50x50mm)
Option Flexible right handle stage, left short handle stage (each X/Y stroke: 50x50mm)
Gliding stage, rotatable stage for GX (scheduled for introduction in 2003)
Stage insert plate A set of teardrop and long hole types
Image recording Photomicrographic Special photomicrographic lens (attached) gives 10x magnification with large-format camera, 3.3x with 35mm camera
Photomicrographic system - 35mm/large-format camera (simultaneously mountable), 1 % spot/30% average measuring area (switch able), auto/manual exposure, exposure time adjustment, automatic ISO setting, AE lock, multiple exposure, etc
Digital camera, video camera OLYMPUS DP series etc, attachable using appropriate adapters
Combined weight Approx. 37kg
(BF, DF and DIC observations, combined with GX-PHU)
Approx. 28kg
(BF, DF and DIC observations, combined with DP12)
Power consumption 170VA, 140 W (excluding photomicrographic system)
  GX71 GX51
Optics UIS optical system (infinity-corrected)
Objective UIS objectives
Eyepiece UIS eyepiece (F.N. 26.5) UIS eyepiece (F.N. 22)
Microscope body Intermediate magnification Zoom incorporated (1x - 2x)
Clicks in the two intermediate positions (can be released)
Imprinting of scale All ports
Reversed positions (up/down/left/right) from observation positions seen through the eyepiece
All ports
Reversed positions (up/down) from observation positions seen through the eyepiece
Power source Power source for illuminator (12V100 halogen) incorporated
Focusing Manual, Coarse and Fine coaxial handle. Focus stroke 9mm (2mm above and 7mm below the stage surface)
Photo frame Incorporated (IN/OUT)
Output port Front port - Photomicrographic equipment (upright image), video and DP system (reversed image, special video adapter for GX)
Side port - Video, DP system (reversed image) Side port (option) - Video, DP system (upright image)
Observation tube Super widefield (F.N. 26.5) U-SWBI30, U-SWTR-2
Widefield (F.N. 22) U-BI90, GX-BI90, U-TR30H
Illuminator Observation method Brightfield, darkfield, simple polarized light, DIC, fluorescence Brightfield, darkfield, simple polarized light, DIC
Illuminator diaphragm FS/AS manually controlled, with centering adjustment
Light source 100W halogen (standard), 100W mercury, 75W xenon, 50W metal halide (optional)
Revolving nosepiece Manual operation Sextuple for BF/DIC, quintuple for BF/DF, quintuple for BF/DF/DIC, Quadruple for BF with centering
Motorized operation Sextuple for BF/DIC, quintuple for BF/DF/DIC
Stage Standrd type Right handle stage for GX (X/Y stroke: 50x50mm)
Option Flexible right handle stage, left short handle stage (each X/Y stroke: 50x50mm)
Gliding stage, rotatable stage for GX (scheduled for introduction in 2003)
Stage insert plate A set of teardrop and long hole types
Image recording Photomicrographic Special photomicrographic lens (attached) gives 10x magnification with large-format camera, 3.3x with 35mm camera
Photomicrographic system - 35mm/large-format camera (simultaneously mountable), 1 % spot/30% average measuring area (switch able), auto/manual exposure, exposure time adjustment, automatic ISO setting, AE lock, multiple exposure, etc
Digital camera, video camera OLYMPUS DP series etc, attachable using appropriate adapters
Combined weight Approx. 37kg
(BF, DF and DIC observations, combined with GX-PHU)
Approx. 28kg
(BF, DF and DIC observations, combined with DP12)
Power consumption 170VA, 140 W (excluding photomicrographic system)
  GX71 GX51
Optics UIS optical system (infinity-corrected)
Objective UIS objectives
Eyepiece UIS eyepiece (F.N. 26.5) UIS eyepiece (F.N. 22)
Microscope body Intermediate magnification Zoom incorporated (1x - 2x)
Clicks in the two intermediate positions (can be released)
Imprinting of scale All ports
Reversed positions (up/down/left/right) from observation positions seen through the eyepiece
All ports
Reversed positions (up/down) from observation positions seen through the eyepiece
Power source Power source for illuminator (12V100 halogen) incorporated
Focusing Manual, Coarse and Fine coaxial handle. Focus stroke 9mm (2mm above and 7mm below the stage surface)
Photo frame Incorporated (IN/OUT)
Output port Front port - Photomicrographic equipment (upright image), video and DP system (reversed image, special video adapter for GX)
Side port - Video, DP system (reversed image) Side port (option) - Video, DP system (upright image)
Observation tube Super widefield (F.N. 26.5) U-SWBI30, U-SWTR-2
Widefield (F.N. 22) U-BI90, GX-BI90, U-TR30H
Illuminator Observation method Brightfield, darkfield, simple polarized light, DIC, fluorescence Brightfield, darkfield, simple polarized light, DIC
Illuminator diaphragm FS/AS manually controlled, with centering adjustment
Light source 100W halogen (standard), 100W mercury, 75W xenon, 50W metal halide (optional)
Revolving nosepiece Manual operation Sextuple for BF/DIC, quintuple for BF/DF, quintuple for BF/DF/DIC, Quadruple for BF with centering
Motorized operation Sextuple for BF/DIC, quintuple for BF/DF/DIC
Stage Standrd type Right handle stage for GX (X/Y stroke: 50x50mm)
Option Flexible right handle stage, left short handle stage (each X/Y stroke: 50x50mm)
Gliding stage, rotatable stage for GX (scheduled for introduction in 2003)
Stage insert plate A set of teardrop and long hole types
Image recording Photomicrographic Special photomicrographic lens (attached) gives 10x magnification with large-format camera, 3.3x with 35mm camera
Photomicrographic system - 35mm/large-format camera (simultaneously mountable), 1 % spot/30% average measuring area (switch able), auto/manual exposure, exposure time adjustment, automatic ISO setting, AE lock, multiple exposure, etc
Digital camera, video camera OLYMPUS DP series etc, attachable using appropriate adapters
Combined weight Approx. 37kg
(BF, DF and DIC observations, combined with GX-PHU)
Approx. 28kg
(BF, DF and DIC observations, combined with DP12)
Power consumption 170VA, 140 W (excluding photomicrographic system)
  GX71 GX51
Optics UIS optical system (infinity-corrected)
Objective UIS objectives
Eyepiece UIS eyepiece (F.N. 26.5) UIS eyepiece (F.N. 22)
Microscope body Intermediate magnification Zoom incorporated (1x - 2x)
Clicks in the two intermediate positions (can be released)
Imprinting of scale All ports
Reversed positions (up/down/left/right) from observation positions seen through the eyepiece
All ports
Reversed positions (up/down) from observation positions seen through the eyepiece
Power source Power source for illuminator (12V100 halogen) incorporated
Focusing Manual, Coarse and Fine coaxial handle. Focus stroke 9mm (2mm above and 7mm below the stage surface)
Photo frame Incorporated (IN/OUT)
Output port Front port - Photomicrographic equipment (upright image), video and DP system (reversed image, special video adapter for GX)
Side port - Video, DP system (reversed image) Side port (option) - Video, DP system (upright image)
Observation tube Super widefield (F.N. 26.5) U-SWBI30, U-SWTR-2
Widefield (F.N. 22) U-BI90, GX-BI90, U-TR30H
Illuminator Observation method Brightfield, darkfield, simple polarized light, DIC, fluorescence Brightfield, darkfield, simple polarized light, DIC
Illuminator diaphragm FS/AS manually controlled, with centering adjustment
Light source 100W halogen (standard), 100W mercury, 75W xenon, 50W metal halide (optional)
Revolving nosepiece Manual operation Sextuple for BF/DIC, quintuple for BF/DF, quintuple for BF/DF/DIC, Quadruple for BF with centering
Motorized operation Sextuple for BF/DIC, quintuple for BF/DF/DIC
Stage Standrd type Right handle stage for GX (X/Y stroke: 50x50mm)
Option Flexible right handle stage, left short handle stage (each X/Y stroke: 50x50mm)
Gliding stage, rotatable stage for GX (scheduled for introduction in 2003)
Stage insert plate A set of teardrop and long hole types
Image recording Photomicrographic Special photomicrographic lens (attached) gives 10x magnification with large-format camera, 3.3x with 35mm camera
Photomicrographic system - 35mm/large-format camera (simultaneously mountable), 1 % spot/30% average measuring area (switch able), auto/manual exposure, exposure time adjustment, automatic ISO setting, AE lock, multiple exposure, etc
Digital camera, video camera OLYMPUS DP series etc, attachable using appropriate adapters
Combined weight Approx. 37kg
(BF, DF and DIC observations, combined with GX-PHU)
Approx. 28kg
(BF, DF and DIC observations, combined with DP12)
Power consumption 170VA, 140 W (excluding photomicrographic system)



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