
LONZA VCA-1003 Cell Line Nucleofector® Kit V 转染试剂盒 现货促销

产品规格: 24次/盒
单价: 面议
起订: 1
供货总量: 10
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
所在地: 重庆
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-06-03 17:43
浏览次数: 828

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华雅干细胞 Focus on improving the quality of Stem Cells 专注提升干细胞品质

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LonZA VCA-1003 Cell Line Nucleofector® Kit V 转染试剂盒英文名称:Cell Line Nucleofector® Kit V (25 RCT)

产品英文名称:LonZA VCA-1003 Cell Line Nucleofector® Kit V (25 RCT)   
产品中文名称:LonZA VCA-1003 细胞Nucleofector®转染试剂盒V


LonZA VCA-1003 Cell Line Nucleofector® Kit V 转染试剂盒英文描述:
Various Nucleofector™ Kits and corresponding Amaxa™ Optimized Protocols are available for the transfection of HCT 116 cells using the different Nucleofection™ Platforms.
For transfection of HCT 116 in the 4D-Nucleofector™ System and 96-well Shuttle™ System we recommend using our Cell Line Optimization Kits and the respective optimization protocols.
Optimal kits for the Nucleofector™ II Device are the Cell Line Nucleofector™ Kits V used in combination with a cell-type specific protocol.

LonZA VCA-1003 细胞Nucleofector®转染试剂盒V性能:

LonZA VCA-1003 Cell Line Nucleofector® Kit V 转染试剂盒实验现象:


LonZA VCA-1003 细胞Nucleofector®转染试剂盒V产品描述:

LonZA VCA-1003 Cell Line Nucleofector® Kit V 转染试剂盒相关产品订购信息:

Lonza      V4XC-1024 SE Cell Line 4D-Nucleofector® X Kit L 4D高通量转染试剂盒

产品英文名称:Lonza V4XC-1024 SE Cell Line 4D-Nucleofector® X Kit L   
产品中文名称:Lonza V4XC-1024  4D高通量转染试剂盒L

Lonza V4XC-1024 SE Cell Line 4D-Nucleofector® X Kit L 4D高通量转染试剂盒英文描述:
Various Nucleofector™ Kits and corresponding Amaxa™ Optimized Protocols are available for the transfection of Jurkat cells using the different Nucleofection™ Platforms.
Optimal kits for transfection of Jurkat using the 4D-Nucleofector™ System and 96-well Shuttle™ System are the SE Cell Line Nucleofector Kits used in combination with a cell-type specific protocol.
For the Nucleofector™ II Device we recommend using the Cell Line Nucleofector™ Kits V used in combination with the respective optimized protocol.

Lonza V4XC-1024 SE Cell Line 4D-Nucleofector® X Kit L 4D高通量转染试剂盒性能:

重庆市华雅干细胞公司主要在中国代理销售PeproTech BioGems流式抗体、BI胎牛血清、BI羊水培养基、BD采血管、GE、StemRD、Roche、R&D、Bio-Rad、LONZA、Cygnus、OriGen BioMedical、AnaSpec、Active Motif、Covance、StemCell、Molecular Devices、Bio-Rad、Thermo、ExCell、ALPCO、Amresco等生物试剂类产品;在中国代理销售BD、Bio-Rad、GE、NUNC、Nalgene、PALL、Axygen、GEB等品牌的实验耗材类产品 ;在中国代理销售Bio-Rad、 BRAND、 HEROS等生物仪器类产品,其中大部分代理品牌为厂家中国一级代理商,个别品牌是厂家的中国总代理商。更多生物医药类产品欢迎来电咨询与购买!

华雅干细胞 Focus on improving the quality of Stem Cells 专注提升干细胞品质

欢迎来电咨询与购买:023-63015781  手机:18983631204  客服QQ:463540947  全国客服热线:400-021-2020


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