DetergentOUT™ GB-S10去污剂去除柱子和树脂去污剂在蛋白提取和样本制备过程中是很重要的物质,特别是研究疏水蛋白时。蛋白样本中高浓度去污剂的存在能够影响ELISA,IEF 和蛋白的蛋白酶消化,以及用质谱进行分析时抑制肽的离子化。DetergentOUT™ GB-S10 树脂能够从蛋白水溶液和肽样本中去除自由的,未结合的阴离子的,非离子或两性离子的去污剂(e.g. SDS, Triton® X-100 或CHAPS),同时对于下游进行的质谱或其他技术的分析应用带来的样本丢失。DetergentOUT™ GB-S10 柱子在第三方的研究使用中表明完全兼容DI-QTOF 和 LC-MS/MS(请见参考文献)。DetergentOUT™ GB-S10 柱子的使用显著增加到了检测到的肽光谱的数量。除此之外,DetergentOUT™ GB-S10 柱子对于去污剂有高度的结合容量,比如每毫升固定的树脂可以结合6mg SDS 和14mg Triton® X-100。Figure 1: DetergentOUT™ GBS10 removes detergent & allows detection of peptide fragments by mass spectrometry. 500μgphosphorylase B was digested in solution & then the indicated amount of detergent was added. Samples were treated withDetergentOUT™ GBS10. Number of peptide spectra were determined as per the protocol of Alvarez, S. et al.A. No detergent, No DetergentOUT™ GBS10 B. 0.5% CHAPS, DetergentOUT™ GBS10 treatedC. 0.5% CHAPS, No DetergentOUT™ GBS10Figure 2: DetergentOUT™ GBS10 enhances mass spectrometry spectra. 5μg/μl protein mixture (BSA, cyctochrome Cand phosphorylase B) in water (Panel A) was supplemented with 0.5% CHAPS (Panel B and C). The CHAPS co
ntaining sample wastreated with DetergentOUT™ GBS10 and compared to an untreated sample (Panel C). Spectra were generated per Alvarez et al.参考文献:Table 1: A comparison of the detergent removal rates and percentage protein recovery with DetergentOUT™ GBS10.Figure 3: DetergentOUT™ GBS10 retains ≤6mg SDS per ml settled resin. SDS solution was co
ntinuously applied toDetergentOUT™ GBS10 column. The graph depicts the amount of SDS detected in the flow- through. SDS was notdetected until fraction 7, so after 12mg SDS had been retained by the 2ml of DetergentOUT™ GB-S10 resin, resulting in a 6mg/mlsettled resin binding capacity.1. Alvarez, S. et al (2010) Poster presented as part of the 58th ASMS Co
nference on Mass2. Spectrometry and Allied Topics, May 23-27, 2010, Salt Lake City, Utah3. Sivakumar, S. et al (2007) J. Biol. Chem. 282: 73124. Urdaneta, S. et al (2006) J. Human Lact. 22: 615. Higgins, D. et al (2005) Anitmicrob. Agents Chemother. 49: 11276. Fisher, J. and Margulies, S. (2002) Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell Mol. Physiol. 283: L7377. Baizman, E. et al (2000) Microbiology 146: 3129产品货号 产品名称 包装786-154 DetergentOUT™ GB-S10-125 10 columns786-155 DetergentOUT™ GB-S10-800 10 columns786-156 DetergentOUT™ GB-S10-3000 10 columns786-157 DetergentOUT™ GB-S10-5000 10 columns786-159 DetergentOUT™ GB-S10 10ml resin
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