

   2019-06-19 食品伙伴网可心554
  The purpose of this guidance is to provide clarification on the labeling requirements for single-ingredient packages and/or containers of pure honey, pure maple syrup, and other pure sugars and syrups, which are not required to bear the words “Includes Xg Added Sugars” but must still include the percent Daily Value (DV) for added sugars on their labels. This guidance also advises food manufacturers of our intent to exercise enforcement discretion with respect to the use of truthful and not misleading statements on single-ingredient packages and/or containers of pure honey, pure maple syrup, and other pure sugars and syrups. We intend to exercise our enforcement discretion with respect to the use of a “?” symbol on single-ingredient packages and/or containers of pure honey, pure maple syrup, and other pure sugars and syrups immediately following the percent DV representing the contribution of added sugars to the diet obtained from a serving of these products. We intend to exercise such enforcement discretion when the symbol leads the reader to a truthful and not misleading statement within a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts label that includes a description of the gram amount of sugar added to the diet by one serving of the product and its contribution to the percent DV for added sugars in the diet.

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