

   2019-02-03 食品伙伴网可心989
核心提示:2019年1月31日,欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)发布用作饲料添加剂的转基因枯草芽孢杆菌产生的维生素B2对人类造成风险的声明。  应欧
  The detection of recombinant DNA in a vitamin B2 used as feed additive was notified by the Belgian national authorities on 2 October 2018 via the Rapid alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF)。 The European Commission requested scientific advice from EFSA on the risk posed to humans by the presence of genetically modified material in the feed additive, particularly with regard to antimicrobial resistance (AMR)。 EFSA assessed the analytical data from RASFF regarding the presence of AMR genes in both additive and feed. Samples of the additive and feed tested positive for presence of DNA of a genetically modified Bacillus subtilis. The results were compatible with, but did not demonstrate the presence of, a full-length chloramphenicol resistance gene. No information was made available on the presence of other AMR genes or viable cells of the Bacillus subtilis. The statement provides a risk assessment pathway indicating the events needed to produce adverse human health effects from the presence of AMR genes in feed additives. Data on the likelihood of occurrence of all events are needed to produce an evidence-based estimate of the risk. All the events are theoretically possible, but there are no scientific data available to estimate the probability of each taking place.

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