2018年9月18日,新西兰初级产业部(MPI)发布公告,拟修订食品农业化合物中11种农药的最大残留限量。这11种物质包括:烯草酮(clethodim)、麦草畏(dicamba)、咯菌腈(Fludioxonil)、氟氯吡啶酯(halauxifen-methyl)、高效氯氟氰菊酯(lambda-cyhalothrin)、苯嗪草酮(metamitron)、利多卡因(lignocaine)盐酸塞拉嗪(xylazine)、石蜡油(paraffin oils)、甲酸(formic acid)、草酸(Oxalic acid)。
Amendments to Schedule 2: New and Amended Exemptions from Maximum Residue Levels for Agricultural Chemicals
•MPI proposes to add an exemption for paraffin oils, when used as an agricultural compound, to the list of agricultural compounds in Schedule 2 of the Food Notice, for which no maximum residue levels apply.
•MPI proposes to amend the current entry for formic acid in the list of agricultural compounds in Schedule 2 of the Food Notice, for which no maximum residue levels apply. The entry will be moved from Schedule 2 to Schedule 3, and revised to be more specific to control of Varroa mite as per the current exemption for thymol.