

   2007-03-13 欧盟827
核心提示:RAPID ALERT SYSTEM FOR FOOD AND FEED The legal basis of the system is Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 laying down the genera

The legal basis of the system is Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety (O.J. No L 31 of 1 February 2002).

The purpose of the rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF) is to provide the control authorities with an effective tool for exchange of information on measures taken to ensure food safety.

To assist the members of the network, information is classified under two different headings :


alert notifications are sent when the food or feed presenting the risk is on the market and when immediate action is required. alerts are triggered by the Member State that detects the problem and has initiated the relevant measures, such as withdrawal/recall. The notification aims at giving all the members of the network the information to verify whether the concerned product is on their market, so that they also can take the necessary measures.

Consumers can be reassured that products subject to an alert notification have been withdrawn or are in the process of being withdrawn from the market. The Member States have their own mechanisms to carry out such actions, including the provision of detailed information through the media if necessary.


Information notifications concern a food or feed for which a risk has been identified, but for which the other members of the network do not have to take immediate action, because the product has not reached their market. These notifications mostly concern food and feed consignments that have been tested and rejected at the external borders of the EU.

Consumers can be reassured that products subject to an information notification have not reached the market or that all necessary measures have already been taken.

The Commission publishes a weekly overview of alert and information notifications. As it is necessary to strike the balance between openness and the protection of commercial information, the trade names and the identity of individual companies are not published. This is not detrimental to consumer protection, as a RASFF notification implies that measures have been or are in the process of being taken.

The public must be aware that the Commission is not in a position to release more information other than that published here. However, in exceptional circumstances where the protection of human health requires greater transparency, the Commission takes the appropriate action through its usual communication channels.

The Commission informs the authorities of third countries of notifications concerning products manufactured in, distributed to or dispatched from these countries. However, the fact that a country is mentioned as the origin of a product does not necessarily imply that the identified hazard(s) originated in the country concerned.

Week 2007/10 TABLE 1: alert NOTIFICATIONS

Notifications in blue typeface concern feed, all other notifications concern food.

05/03/2007 Greece 2007.0169 too high content of sulphite in frozen prawns GREECE
05/03/2007 Germany 2007.0170 verotoxin producing Escherichia coli in cheese made from raw milk FRANCE
06/03/2007 Germany 2007.0171 fumonisins in polenta ITALY
06/03/2007 Germany 2007.0172 mercury in black scabbard fish (Aphanopus carbo) PORTUGAL
06/03/2007 the Netherlands 2007.0173 mammalian protein in greaves used for feeding farm animals GERMANY
06/03/2007 Italy 2007.0174 Salmonella in live mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) SPAIN
07/03/2007 Greece 2007.0175 incorrect use of packaging for wheat rusks GREECE
07/03/2007 Germany 2007.0176 migration of primary aromatic amines from nylon kitchen utensils CHINA
07/03/2007 the Slovak Republic 2007.0177 sharp fragments in glass jars of tartar sauce THE CZECH REPUBLIC
07/03/2007 Italy 2007.0178 unauthorised genetically modified long grain rice THE UNITED STATES VIA THE UNITED KINGDOM
08/03/2007 Spain 2007.0179 bulging packaging of canned pork liver pate SPAIN
08/03/2007 Slovenia 2007.0180 migration of chromium, of nickel and of manganese from electric knife blades CHINA (HONG KONG)
08/03/2007 Italy 2007.0181 Salmonella spp in chicken and turkey kebab GERMANY
09/03/2007 Italy 2007.0182 methomyl in hot pepper (Capsicum) FRANCE
09/03/2007 Germany 2007.0183 canned bovine meat unfit for human consumption GERMANY
09/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.0184 dead insects in hazelnut delights CYPRUS
09/03/2007 Norway 2007.0185 migration of primary aromatic amines from soup ladle PORTUGAL
09/03/2007 Germany 2007.0186 Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteritidis and Staphylococcus aureus in cake LITHUANIA


Notifications in blue typeface concern feed, all other notifications concern food.

05/03/2007 Italy 2007.AOC aflatoxins in pistachio nuts IRAN
05/03/2007 Malta 2007.AOD fraudulent health certificate(s) for and unauthorised substance chloramphenicol in frozen boneless beef fillets BRAZIL
05/03/2007 Italy 2007.AOE Salmonella typhimurium in frozen pig shoulder BELGIUM
05/03/2007 Greece 2007.AOF mercury in whole frozen fish GHANA
05/03/2007 Slovenia 2007.AOG too high content of sulphite in apricot jam CROATIA
05/03/2007 Italy 2007.AOH Diarrhoeic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) toxins in live bivalve mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) SPAIN
05/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.AOI benzo(a)pyrene in smoked dried striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) THAILAND
06/03/2007 Iceland 2007.AOJ unauthorised substance ephedrine in food supplement THE UNITED STATES
06/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.AOK suffocation risk as a result of the consumption of mini cup jellies VIETNAM
06/03/2007 Italy 2007.AOL aflatoxins in roasted hazelnut kernels TURKEY
06/03/2007 the Netherlands 2007.AOM aflatoxins in roasted hazelnut kernels TURKEY
06/03/2007 Norway 2007.AON migration of primary aromatic amines from spatula CHINA
06/03/2007 Norway 2007.AOO dead mites in sun dried apricots TURKEY
06/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.AOP too high content of colour E 110 - Sunset Yellow FCF in confectionery PAKISTAN
06/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.AOQ too high content of colour E 110 - Sunset Yellow FCF in confectionery PAKISTAN
07/03/2007 Germany 2007.AOR aflatoxins in dried figs KAZAKHSTAN
07/03/2007 Germany 2007.AOS aflatoxins in roasted peanuts covered with a caramel layer CHINA
07/03/2007 Italy 2007.AOT Salmonella Hadar in live clams (Venus verrucosa) GREECE
07/03/2007 the Slovak Republic 2007.AOU aflatoxins in roasted hazelnut kernels TURKEY
07/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.AOV aflatoxins in peanuts GHANA
07/03/2007 Germany 2007.AOW migration of primary aromatic amines from spatula CHINA VIA CHINA (HONG KONG)
07/03/2007 Spain 2007.AOX aflatoxins in dried figs TURKEY
07/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.AOY too high content of colour E 110 - Sunset Yellow FCF in candy PAKISTAN
08/03/2007 Belgium 2007.AOZ dioxins in zinc oxide 72% TURKEY
08/03/2007 Belgium 2007.APA mercury in frozen barramundi (Lates calcarifer) INDonESIA
08/03/2007 Belgium 2007.APB mercury in frozen red snapper (Lutjanus sanguenius) INDonESIA
08/03/2007 Spain 2007.APC aflatoxins in dried figs TURKEY
08/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.APD aflatoxins in roasted hazelnut kernels TURKEY
08/03/2007 Italy 2007.APE Salmonella in fresh eggs SPAIN
08/03/2007 Poland 2007.APF expired health certificate(s) for peanuts in shell CHINA
08/03/2007 Denmark 2007.APG unauthorised substance leucomalachite green in eel CHINA VIA POLAND
08/03/2007 Spain 2007.APH aflatoxins in peanuts CHINA
08/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.API prochloraz in yams BRAZIL
08/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.APJ carbendazim and thiophanate-methyl in fresh yams BRAZIL
08/03/2007 Spain 2007.APK aflatoxins in pistachios IRAN
09/03/2007 Spain 2007.APL aflatoxins in raw pistachio nuts IRAN
09/03/2007 Italy 2007.APM too high level of total migration from black plastic ladle CHINA
09/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.APN mercury in frozen raw swordfish VIETNAM
09/03/2007 Greece 2007.APO ochratoxin A in milling wheat KAZAKHSTAN VIA THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION VIA SWITZERLAND
09/03/2007 Germany 2007.APP aflatoxins in roasted and caramelized peanuts CHINA
09/03/2007 Italy 2007.APQ migration of chromium and of nickel and too high level of total migration from knives CHINA (HONG KONG)
09/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.APR residue level above MRL for oxytetracycline in fresh frozen tilapia THAILAND
09/03/2007 Belgium 2007.APS aflatoxins in white sunflower seeds EGYPT
09/03/2007 Norway 2007.APT migration of primary aromatic amines from ladle CHINA (HONG KONG)
09/03/2007 Poland 2007.APU aflatoxins in raw hazelnuts TURKEY

标签: 食品 饲料
行业: 畜禽肉品
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