

   2010-06-18 欧盟食品安全局795
核心提示:食品伙伴网导读:日前,欧盟就转基因植物对环境风险评估的问题,召集来着欧盟各成员国以及欧盟食品安全局的专家召开会议。 会议

    会议内容: Introduction
Tour de table of participants
Adoption of the agenda
General Introduction by the EFSA GMO Panel: D. Bartsch Strategies for ERA of GM plants (1): General approach for ERA
Overview by the EFSA GMO Panel: J. Sweet
Introduction by Member States
Discussion Strategies for ERA of GM plants (2): Problem formulation and further steps
Overview by the EFSA GMO Panel: J. Sweet
Introduction by Member States
Discussion Persistence and invasiveness
Overview by the EFSA WG member: D. Bartsch
Introduction by Member States
Discussion Non-target organisms
Overview by the EFSA GMO Panel: S. Arpaia
Introduction by Member States
Discussion Receiving environments
Overview by the EFSA GMO Panel: J. Kiss
Introduction by Member States
Discussion Impacts of the specific cultivation, management and harvesting techniques
Overview by the EFSA GMO Panel: A. Messéan
Introduction by Member States
Discussion Any other issue related to the ERA
Introduction by Member States
Discussion Closing remarks     详情见:http://www.flyonthewall.com/FlyBroadcast/efsa.eu.int/TechnicalMeeting0610/index.php

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