
美国夏威夷7种当地蜂濒危 恐冲击农业生态系统

   2016-10-09 食品伙伴网988
核心提示:据外媒报道,受栖地丧失、野火和外来植物与昆虫入侵等因素影响,夏威夷本土蜂数量大幅下降,9月30日美国联邦公报(Federal Regi
     据外媒报道,受栖地丧失、野火和外来植物与昆虫入侵等因素影响,夏威夷本土蜂数量大幅下降,9月30日美国联邦公报(Federal Register)把7种黄面蜂或蒙面蜂列为濒危物种。 
    美国鱼类与野生动物管理局(United States Fishand Wildlife Service)指出,以其脸部有黄或白色标记命名的这些蜜蜂,过去在夏威夷和毛伊岛(Maui)数量众多。然而近期调查发现,跟美国其他地方多种野蜂及部分商业繁殖的蜜蜂一样,夏威夷蜜蜂数量也出现骤减。
    Seven types of bees once found in abundance in Hawaii but now facing extinction on Friday became the first bees to be added to the federal list of endangered and threatened species, according to U.S. wildlife managers.
    The listing decision, published on Friday in the Federal Register, classifies seven varieties of yellow-faced or masked bees as endangered, due to such factors as habitat loss, wildfires and the invasion of nonnative plants and insects.
    The bees, so named for yellow-to-white facial markings, once crowded Hawaii and Maui but recent surveys found their populations have plunged in the same fashion as other types of wild bees - and some commercial ones - elsewher in the United States, federal wildlife managers said.

标签: 生态系统 昆虫
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