美国斯隆.凯特琳癌症研究中心中心(Memorial Sloan Kettering)科研人员发现,患癌大鼠在喂食姜黄后,它们体内的肿瘤细胞得到抑制。
英国国家广播公司节目主持人莫斯利医生(Michael Mosley)决定测试人食用姜黄的实际效果。他召集了约100名志愿者做一个有关姜黄的实验。实验过程中让志愿者连续吃含姜黄的食品六周。最终经过检验,验证了姜黄的抗肿瘤效果。
Eating turmeric each day was found to improve a gene that causes depression, asthma, eczema and cancer, according to research conducted by Dr. Michael Mosley of BBC's “Trust Me, I'm a Doctor.”
The six-week study used 100 volunteers from northeast Great Britain. A third of them ate a teaspoon of turmeric each day with their food in whatever method they pleased. A third took supplement pills with the same amount of turmeric, and the rest took a placebo.