胭脂树籽皮提取物分为胭脂树橙(bixin)基与降胭脂树橙(norbixin)基。经过毒理学试验,欧盟食品安全局认为,胭脂树橙的ADI设为6 mg /kg体重 /天,降胭脂树橙的ADI设为0.3 mg /kg体重/天 较为合理。
Following a request from the European Commission to EFSA, the EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS) was asked to re-evaluate the safety of annatto extracts, bixin-based and norbixin-based, when used as a food additive and to evaluate the safety of aqueous-processed bixin (Annatto E); solvent-extracted bixin (Annatto B); alkali-processed norbixin, acid-precipitated (Annatto F); alkali-processed norbixin, not acid-precipitated (Annatto G) and solvent-extracted norbixin (Annatto C) with the view to replac the currently authorised annatto extracts (E 160b)。