据外媒报道,近期牛奶收购价下跌,很多奶农陷入困境。澳大利亚维多利亚州政府迫于压力,将减免奶农的市政税(council rates)。
据报道,维多利亚州北部的康博斯比市政厅(Campaspe Shire Council)致信维多利亚州农业厅长布福德(Jaala Pulford),呼吁政府减轻乳制品生产商的经济负担。
康博斯比市市长威尔逊(Leigh Wilson)说,十年前旱灾期间政府的减税政策起了作用,类似的减税政策也可以帮助奶农。维多利亚州北部产奶区的奶农们一直没有得到他们需要的援助,一切帮助他们减轻经济负担的政策会非常受欢迎。
The Victorian Government has confirmed council rates relief for dairy farmers is an option it is considering, as it prepares to offer more support to the struggling sector.
The Campaspe Shire, in the state's north, has written to Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford to ask the Government to help ease the financial burden on dairy producers.
Many farmers are under pressure because of cuts made over recent weeks to the price they are being paid for milk.