Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited submitted an Application seeking permission to use an agarose ion exchange resin as a processing aid in the production of high purity lactoferrin
from bovine milk and milk-related products.
Lactoferrin, present in milk at very low levels, has a range of physiological functions and the Application indicated that there is increasing interest in its use as a nutraceutical. The resin under consideration is the only resin with all of the specific characteristics that make it suitable for the commercial extraction of lactoferrin with a high yield and purity.
Processing aids are regulated by Schedule 18 of the revised Code. Permission is specifically sought for this processing aid to be included in the table to subsection S18—9(3) Permitted
processing aids—various technological purposes, and for a specification for this resin to be added to Schedule 3 – Identity and purity in the revised Code.