

   2009-12-10 美国FDA李和平932

   食品论坛网友aliment,译者导读:2009年12月9日,美国食品药品管理局发布消息:美国建立针对进口食品安全的新机构“贸易对象分析中心”(Commercial Targeting and Analysis Center for import Safety: CTAC)。据报道,在农业部和卫生部继续食品安全合作的同时;海关边境保护署宣布开设进口食品安全中心。新成立的“贸易对象分析中心”(CTAC)由美国国土安全部(DHS)建立,主要任务是保障进口食品货物的安全,业务工作将由海关边境保护署领导(CBP)。贸易对象分析中心(CTAC)是由奥巴马总统食品安全工作组提议建立;该工作组主要负责在食品安全工作方面向总统提出建议。

    相关部门及时作出反映,卫生部长Sebelius,农业部长Vilsack都对该机构的设立给予了高度评价。卫生部长Sebelius说“作为总统食品安全工作组的主要负责人之一,我们的任务是在该善美国生产食品安全面貌的同时,改善美国消费者餐桌上所有食品的安全状况;另一方面,面对大量进口食品,我们必须尽最大努力来确保进口食品符合美国食品安全标准要求。”农业部长Vilsack 说“作为总统食品安全工作组的主要负责人之一,我们将加强美国的食品安全体系建设;同时,我们认为加强联邦机构间的密切合作是取得真正进步的关键。今天新成立的“贸易对象分析中心”就是确保美国消费者拥有安全健康食品供应所必需合作措施的又一个重要步骤。”美国国土安全部长Napolitano说“在与恐怖主义及犯罪行为作斗争的同时,要保证边境的安全、促进合法贸易活动、确保进口产品的安全;这个新成立的中心就是通过集中和加强联邦机构的工作加强对进口货物的检查,来实现保护美国消费者安全的目的。”



For Immediate Release: December 9, 2009
Media Inquires: Michael Herndon, michael.herndon@fda.hhs.gov,  (301) 796-4673
USDA Office of Communications: (202) 720-4623
HHS Press Office: (202) 690-6343
Consumer Inquires: 1-888-INFO-FDA
USDA and HHS Continue Food Safety Working Group Efforts; Customs and Border Protection Opens import Food Safety Center
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today commended the Department of Homeland Security for opening a center devoted to ensuring the safety of foods imported to the United States.  The Commercial Targeting and Analysis Center (CTAC) for import Safety is operating under the direction of Customs and Border Protection (CBP).  It was created on the recommendation of President Obama’s Food Safety Working Group, which is charged with advising the President on how to upgrade the U.S. food safety system for the 21st century.
“As co-chairs of the Food Safety Working Group, we are committed to improving the safety of food produced in the United States, and also improving the safety of all the food that makes it to the American consumers’ dinner tables,” said Secretary Sebelius.  “With so much food coming from abroad, we must do all we can to ensure that it conforms to the same safety standards as our own food safety systems.”
“As part of the Food Safety Working Group’s efforts to strengthen the food safety system in this country, we identified close cooperation between federal agencies as a key to achieving real progress,” said Secretary Vilsack. “The new CTAC announced today is an important step toward the type of collaboration necessary to ensure that Americans have access to a safe and healthy food supply.”
“In addition to guarding against terrorism and crime, securing our borders and facilitating legitimate trade involve ensuring the safety of imported products,” said Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. “This new targeting center will enhance the inspection of goods entering our country by centralizing and strengthening federal efforts to protect U.S. consumers.”
The import safety CTAC, located in Washington, D.C., is one of CBP’s six commercial targeting centers in the U.S.   It will specifically target shipments of imported cargo, including food, for possible safety violations.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) and other partnering government agencies, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission, will provide on-site expertise at the Center.  
“The expertise FSIS, FDA, and our other partners bring to the table is invaluable to ensuring that America’s imported food supply is safe,” said CBP Acting Commissioner Jayson P. Ahern.  “We look forward to continued cooperation with the Food Safety Working Group and its future recommendations.”
As part of its collaboration with CBP, FSIS will extend its enforcement efforts to target ineligible imports investigate suspicious shipments based on manifest information filed prior to the arrival of goods at U.S. ports.
For more information of the Food Safety Working Group, please visit www.foodsafetyworkinggroup.gov.


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