据外媒报道,美国消费者联盟主办出版的消费者杂志《消费者报告》(Consumer Reports)一项调查显示,韦格曼斯(Wegmans)成为本年度美国最佳超市。
在连锁超市中,只有韦格曼斯、新鲜超市(The Fresh Market Inc.)和全食超市(Whole Foods Market Inc.)在产品新鲜度方面表现卓越。
Why can't all stores be like Wegmans? The chain got top marks in our survey for freshness, baked goods, and overall shopping experience.
“It's going to sound cliché, but our employees are our secret sauce,” says Jo Natale, Wegmans' vice president of media relations. Natale also points to the fact that the chain is family-owned, not publicly traded, which “allows us to take a long-range view, invest in people, and grow at a controlled rate.”
Nationwide, stores need to do a much better job when it comes to fresh offerings. only around six in 10 shoppers were completely or very satisfied with the quality of their store's produce, meat, and poultry offerings. (And about 50 percent of respondents were highly satisfied with their store's prepared food and bakery items.)