据加拿大卫生部消息,2月27日加拿大卫生部发布PRD2015-04号文件,有害生物管理局(PMRA)拟批准登记啶氧菌酯(Picoxystrobin)以及含有啶氧菌酯的DPX-YT669 250FS种子处理杀真菌剂。
Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act and Regulations, is proposing full registration for the sale and use of Picoxystrobin (registration number 30469) and DPX-YT669 250FS Fungicide Seed Treatment, containing the technical grade active ingredient picoxystrobin, to control soil and seed-borne blackleg, seed borne Alternaria caused by A. brassicae in canola, rapeseed and mustards and the seedling disease complex (damping off, seedling blight, seed rot and root rot) caused by Fusarium spp. and Rhizoctonia solani in canola, rapeseed, mustards, corn and soybeans.