

   2024-05-08 华中农业大学1398
核心提示:4月9日,华中农业大学植物营养生物学团队在Plant Physiology上发表了研究论文,揭示了缺铜条件下转录因子OsWRKY37调控铜吸收运输影响水稻开花结实的分子机制。……(世界食品网-www.shijieshipin.com)
4月9日,华中农业大学植物营养生物学团队在Plant Physiology上发表了题为“OsWRKY37 acts as a positive regulator for flowering time and grain fertility in rice under copper deficient condition”的研究论文,揭示了缺铜条件下转录因子OsWRKY37调控铜吸收运输影响水稻开花结实的分子机制。
  Efficient uptake, translocation, and distribution of Cu to rice (Oryza Sativa) spikelets is crucial for flowering and yield production. However, the regulatory factors involved in this process remain unidentified. In this study, we isolated a WRKY transcription factor gene induced by Cu deficiency, OsWRKY37, and characterized its regulatory role in Cu uptake and transport in rice. OsWRKY37 was highly expressed in rice roots, nodes, leaf vascular bundles, and anthers. Overexpression of OsWRKY37 promoted the uptake and root-to-shoot translocation of Cu in rice under -Cu condition but not under +Cu condition. While mutation of OsWRKY37 significantly decreased Cu concentrations in the stamen, the root-to-shoot translocation and distribution ratio in brown rice affected pollen development, delayed flowering time, decreased fertility, and reduced grain yield under -Cu condition. Y1H, transient co-expression and EMSAs, together with in situ RT-PCR and RT-qPCR analysis, showed that OsWRKY37 could directly bind to the upstream promoter region of OsCOPT6 (copper transporter) and OsYSL16 (yellow stripe-like protein) and positively activate their expression levels. Analyses of oscopt6 mutants further validated its important role in Cu uptake in rice. Our study demonstrated that OsWRKY37 acts as a positive regulator involved in the uptake, root-to-shoot translocation, and distribution of Cu through activating the expression of OsCOPT6 and OsYSL16, which is important for pollen development, flowering, fertility, and grain yield in rice under Cu deficient conditions. Our results provide a genetic strategy for improving rice yield under Cu deficient condition.

标签: 养生 水稻
行业: 粮油 餐饮
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