
欧盟评估转基因玉米MON 94804用于食品和饲料中的安全性

   2024-04-28 食品伙伴网泽夕1695
核心提示:2024年4月26日,欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)发布消息,应欧盟委员会要求,欧盟食品安全局转基因生物(GMO)专家组就转基因玉米MON 94804用于食品和饲料中的安全性发表科学意见。……(世界食品网-www.shijieshipin.com)
     2024年4月26日,欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)发布消息,应欧盟委员会要求,欧盟食品安全局转基因生物(GMO)专家组就转基因玉米MON 94804用于食品和饲料中的安全性发表科学意见。 
  经过评估,转基因小组得出结论,就对人类和动物健康及环境的潜在影响而言,转基因玉米MON 94804与其传统对应品种和经过测试的非转基因玉米品种一样安全。部分原文报道如下:
  Genetically modified (GM) maize MON 94804 was developed to achieve a reduction in plant height by introducing the GA20ox_SUP suppression cassette. The molecular characterisation and bioinformatic analyses do not identify issues requiring food/feed safety assessment. None of the agronomic/phenotypic and compositional differences identified between maize MON 94804 and its conventional counterpart needs further assessment, except for ear height, plant height and levels of carbohydrates in forage, which do not raise safety or nutritional concerns. The Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO Panel) does not identify safety concerns regarding the toxicity and allergenicity of the GA20ox_SUP precursor-miRNA and derived mature miRNA as expressed in maize MON 94804 and finds no evidence that the genetic modification would change the overall allergenicity of maize MON 94804. In the context of this application, the consumption of food and feed from maize MON 94804 does not represent a nutritional concern in humans and animals. The GMO Panel concludes that maize MON 94804 is as safe as the conventional counterpart and non-GM maize varieties tested, and no post-market monitoring of food/feed is considered necessary. In the case of accidental release of viable maize MON 94804 grains into the environment, this would not raise environmental safety concerns. The post-market environmental monitoring plan and reporting intervals are in line with the intended uses of maize MON 94804. The GMO Panel concludes that maize MON 94804 is as safe as its conventional counterpart and the tested non-GM maize varieties with respect to potential effects on human and animal health and the environment.
地区: 欧盟
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