全球零售业龙头沃尔玛(Walmart)、梅西百货(Macy's)、达吉特(Target)、西尔斯(Sears)、百思买(Best Buy)、凯马特(Kmart)以及柯尔百货(Kohl's),都已宣布将在感恩节当天晚间6时开门营业。
If Black Friday eats any further into Thanksgiving Day, you might be having your dinner in the parking lot next year, or even right inside the store! With major retailers like Best Buy, Macy's, and Walmart set to open at 6 pm on Thanksgiving this year, it looks like “Black Friday Creep” is edging ever closer to absorbing Thanksgiving.
Every year, the increasingly earlier opening times lead to an outcry from shoppers and media alike. But despite the annual complaints and consternation, the NRF reported that of the 139.4 million adult shoppers that visited stores over the 2013 4-day weekend, an estimated 14 million started on Thanksgiving day. Basically, we hate that we love Black Friday now starts a day early.