经过对老鼠90天的经口毒性评估,得出了无明显损害作用水平NOAEL为300 mg FDCA/kg bw/day。
欧盟专家组认为,2,5-呋喃二甲酸在人体不会产生积累风险。当2,5-呋喃二甲酸用于生产聚乙烯呋喃酸酯聚合物( PEF )的单体时,物质本身迁移到食品中的量不超过 5 mg/kg,低于1000Da低聚物迁移到食品中的量不超过 50 μg/kg,对消费者不构成威胁。
This scientific opinion of the EFSA Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids deals with the safety assessment of the substance furan-2,5-dicarboxylic acid (FDCA) with CAS No 3238-40-2 and FCM substance No 01031, for use as a monomer with ethylene glycol to produce polyethylene furanoate polyesters.
The substance does not raise concern for accumulation in man. The Panel concluded that the substance furan-2,5-dicarboxylic acid does not raise a safety concern for the consumer when used as a monomer in the production of polyethylene furanoate polymers (PEF) and the migration of the substance itself does not exceed 5 mg/kg food and migration of the oligomers less than 1000 Da does not exceed 50 ?g/kg food (expressed as FDCA)。