(一) 各国驻台湾地区使领馆或享有外交豁免权的人员,为自用而输入者,代码:DH000000000001。
(二) 输入食品及相关产品供个人自用,价值在一千美元以下,且重量在六公斤以内者,代码:DH000000000002。
(三) 输入食品及相关产品符合关税法第五十二条原货复运出口免征关税者,代码:DH000000000003;自进口后若变更用途须补缴关税时,应补查验放行文件,始得变更用途。
(四) 输入瓷制餐具或厨具供自用,以报单单一项次的价值在一千美元以下,且同规格数量未逾四件者,或价值超过一千美元且数量为一件者,代码:DH000000000005。
(五) 食品添加物及香料不适用本公告通关代码DH000000000002。
(六) 牛海绵状脑病发生国家所生产供食用牛只、羊只的屠肉、组织、器官、衍生物或含前揭物品者(如附表一计90项;附表二计38项)不适用本公告通关代码DH000000000001、DH000000000002、DH000000000003。
附表一 暂停适用“卫生福利部”公告无需检验放行文件规定者(90个号列)
CCC号列 | 货名 | 输入规定 |
0201.10.10.00-3 | 特殊品级屠体及半片屠体牛肉,生鲜或冷藏 Special quality carcasses and half-carcasses of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0201.10.90.00-6 | 其它屠体及半片屠体牛肉,生鲜或冷藏 Other carcasses and half-carcasses of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0201.20.10.00-1 | 特殊品级带骨四分之一屠体牛肉及切割肉排(胸侧肉、背脊肉、腰脊肉、上腿肉),生鲜或冷藏 Special quality beef quarter-carcasses and cuts of steaks (rib, loins, sirloins, rump), of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0201.20.20.00-9 | 特选级或精选级肉牛切割之带骨牛腩、牛腱,生鲜或冷藏 Prime or choice grade shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0201.20.90.10-2 | 带骨切割牛肉排(胸侧肉、背脊肉、腰脊肉、上腿肉),生鲜或冷藏 Cuts of steaks (rib, loin, sirloin, rump), of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0201.20.90.20-0 | 其它带骨牛腩、牛腱,生鲜或冷藏 Other shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0201.20.90.90-5 | 其它带骨切割牛肉,生鲜或冷藏 Other cuts of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0201.30.10.10-7 | 特殊品级去骨四分之一屠体牛肉及切割肉排(胸侧肉、背脊肉、腰脊肉、上腿肉)之绞肉,生鲜或冷藏 Ground meat from special quality beef quarter-carcasses and cuts of steaks (rib, loins, sirloins, rump), of bovine animals, boneless, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0201.30.10.90-0 | 其它特殊品级去骨四分之一屠体牛肉及切割肉排(胸侧肉、背脊肉、腰脊肉、上腿肉),生鲜或冷藏 Other special quality beef quarter-carcasses and cuts of steaks (rib, loins, sirloins, rump), of bovine animals, boneless, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0201.30.20.10-5 | 特选级或精选级肉牛切割之去骨牛腩、牛腱之绞肉,生鲜或冷藏 Ground meat from prime or choice grade shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, boneless, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0201.30.20.90-8 | 其它特选级或精选级肉牛切割之去骨牛腩、牛腱,生鲜或冷藏 Other prime or choice grade shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, boneless, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0201.30.90.10-0 | 其它去骨牛肉排(胸侧肉、背脊肉、腰内肉、腰脊肉、上腿肉),生鲜或冷藏 Other cuts of steaks (rib, loin, fillet, sirloin, rump), of bovine animals, boneless, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0201.30.90.20-8 | 其它去骨牛腩、牛腱,生鲜或冷藏 Other shin/shank, intercostals, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, thin flank, of bovine animals, boneless, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0201.30.90.30-6 | 其它去骨牛肉之绞肉,生鲜或冷藏 Ground meat from other meat of bovine animals, boneless, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0201.30.90.90-3 | 其它去骨牛肉,生鲜或冷藏 Other meat of bovine animals, boneless, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0202.10.10.00-2 | 特殊品级冷冻屠体及半片屠体牛肉 Special quality carcasses and half-carcasses of bovine animals, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0202.10.90.00-5 | 其它冷冻屠体及半片屠体牛肉 Other carcasses and half-carcasses of bovine animals, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0202.20.10.00-0 | 特殊品级冷冻带骨四分之一屠体牛肉及切割肉排(胸侧肉、背脊肉、腰脊肉、上腿肉) Special quality beef quarter-carcasses and cuts of steaks (rib, loins, sirloins, rump), of bovine animals, with bone in, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0202.20.20.00-8 | 特选级或精选级肉牛切割之冷冻带骨牛腩、牛腱 Prime or choice grade shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, with bone in, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0202.20.90.10-1 | 其它冷冻带骨切割牛肉排(胸侧肉、背脊肉、腰脊肉、上腿肉) Other cuts of steaks (rib, loin, sirloin, rump), of bovine animals, with bone in, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0202.20.90.20-9 | 其它冷冻带骨牛腩、牛腱 Other shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, with bone in, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0202.20.90.90-4 | 其它冷冻带骨切割牛肉 Other cuts of bovine animals, with bone in, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0202.30.10.10-6 | 特殊品级冷冻去骨四分之一屠体牛肉及切割肉排(胸侧肉、背脊肉、腰脊肉、上腿肉)之绞肉 Ground meat from special quality beef quarter-carcasses and cuts of steaks (rib, loins, sirloins, rump), of bovine animals, boneless, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0202.30.10.90-9 | 其它特殊品级冷冻去骨四分之一屠体牛肉及切割肉排(胸侧肉、背脊肉、腰脊肉、上腿肉) Other special quality beef quarter-carcasses and cuts of steaks (rib, loins, sirloins, rump), of bovine animals, boneless, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0202.30.20.10-4 | 特选级或精选级肉牛切割之冷冻去骨牛腩、牛腱之绞肉 Ground meat from prime or choice grade shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, boneless, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0202.30.20.90-7 | 其它特选级或精选级肉牛切割之冷冻去骨牛腩、牛腱 Other prime or choice grade shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, boneless, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0202.30.90.10-9 | 其它冷冻去骨牛肉排(胸侧肉、背脊肉、腰内肉、腰脊肉、上腿肉) Other cuts of steaks (rib, loin, fillet, sirloin, rump), of bovine animals, boneless, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0202.30.90.20-7 | 其它冷冻去骨牛腩、牛腱 Other shin/shank, intercostals, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, thin flank, of bovine animals, boneless, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0202.30.90.30-5 | 其它冷冻去骨牛肉之绞肉 Ground meat from other meat of bovine animals, boneless, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0202.30.90.90-2 | 其它冷冻去骨牛肉 Other meat of bovine animals, boneless, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.10.10.00-8 | 牛肉骨,生鲜或冷藏 Bone with meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.10.90.11-8 | 食用牛舌,生鲜或冷藏 Edible tongues of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.10.90.12-7 | 食用牛唇,生鲜或冷藏 Edible lips of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.10.90.13-6 | 食用牛耳,生鲜或冷藏 Edible ears of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.10.90.20-7 | 食用牛肝,生鲜或冷藏 Edible livers of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.10.90.30-5 | 食用牛眼,生鲜或冷藏 Edible eyes of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.10.90.40-3 | 食用牛脑、脊髓及头颅,生鲜或冷藏 Edible brains, spinal cords and skull of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.10.90.50-0 | 食用牛心及肺,生鲜或冷藏 Edible hearts and lungs of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.10.90.60-8 | 食用牛肾及脾脏,生鲜或冷藏 Edible kidneys and spleens of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.10.90.70-6 | 食用牛鞭、睪丸及尾,生鲜或冷藏 Edible penis, testes and tails of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.10.90.81-3 | 食用牛横膈膜,生鲜或冷藏 Edible skirts of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.10.90.82-2 | 食用牛背板筋,生鲜或冷藏 Edible back strap of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.10.90.83-1 | 食用牛腹膈膜,生鲜或冷藏 Edible tunic tissue of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.10.90.91-1 | 食用牛胰脏及子宫,生鲜或冷藏 Edible pancreas and uteri of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.10.90.99-3 | 其它食用牛杂碎,生鲜或冷藏 Other edible offal of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.21.00.00-7 | 冷冻牛舌 Tongues of bovine animals, frozen | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.22.00.00-6 | 冷冻牛肝 Livers of bovine animals, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.29.10.00-7 | 冷冻牛肉骨 Bone with meat of bovine animals, frozen | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.29.90.10-8 | 冷冻食用牛眼 Edible eyes of bovine animals, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.29.90.20-6 | 冷冻食用牛脑、脊髓及头颅 Edible brains, spinal cords and skull of bovine animals, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.29.90.30-4 | 冷冻食用牛心及肺 Edible hearts and lungs of bovine animals, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.29.90.40-2 | 冷冻食用牛肾及脾脏 Edible kidneys and spleens of bovine animals, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.29.90.50-9 | 冷冻食用牛鞭、睪丸及尾 Edible penis, testes and tails of bovine animals, frozen | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.29.90.61-6 | 冷冻食用牛横膈膜 Edible skirts of bovine animals, frozen | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.29.90.62-5 | 冷冻食用牛背板筋 Edible back strap of bovine animals, frozen | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.29.90.63-4 | 冷冻食用牛腹膈膜 Edible tunic tissue of bovine animals, frozen | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.29.90.71-4 | 冷冻食用牛唇 Edible lips of bovine animals, frozen | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.29.90.72-3 | 冷冻食用牛耳 Edible ears of bovine animals, frozen | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.29.90.91-0 | 冷冻食用牛胰脏及子宫 Edible pancreas and uteri of bovine animals, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.29.90.99-2 | 其它冷冻食用牛杂碎 Other edible offal of bovine animals, frozen | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.80.11.00-2 | 羊肉骨,生鲜或冷藏 Bone with meat of sheep, lambs and goats, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.80.19.00-4 | 其它食用羊杂碎,生鲜或冷藏 Other edible offal of sheep, lambs and goats, fresh or chilled | B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.90.10.00-1 | 冷冻羊肉骨 Bone with meat of sheep, lambs and goats, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0206.90.90.00-4 | 其它冷冻羊杂碎 Other edible offal of sheep, lambs and goats, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
0210.20.00.00-2 | 咸、浸咸、干或熏制之牛肉 Meat of bovine animals, salted, in brine, dried or smoked | B01 F01 MW0 |
0504.00.12.00-7 | 羊肠衣 Casings of sheep lambs and goats | B01 F02 MW0 |
0504.00.29.11-5 | 牛肠(包括大肠、小肠及直肠),整个或切开者均在内,生鲜或冷藏 Guts (including intestines and rectum) of bovine animals, whole and pieces thereof, fresh or chilled | B01 F02 MW0 |
0504.00.29.12-4 | 牛肠(包括大肠、小肠及直肠),整个或切开者均在内,冷冻 Guts (including intestines and rectum) of bovine animals, whole and pieces thereof, frozen | B01 F02 MW0 |
0504.00.29.13-3 | 牛肠(包括大肠、小肠及直肠),整个或切开者均在内,咸、浸咸、干或熏制 Guts (including intestines and rectum) of bovine animals, whole and pieces thereof, salted, in brine, dried or smoked | B01 F02 MW0 |
0504.00.29.21-3 | 牛胃(肚),整个或切开者均在内,生鲜或冷藏 Stomachs of bovine animals, whole and pieces thereof, fresh or chilled | B01 F02 MW0 |
0504.00.29.22-2 | 牛胃(肚),整个或切开者均在内,冷冻 Stomachs of bovine animals, whole and pieces thereof, frozen | B01 F02 MW0 |
0504.00.29.23-1 | 牛胃(肚),整个或切开者均在内,咸、浸咸、干或熏制 Stomachs of bovine animals, whole and pieces thereof, salted, in brine, dried or smoked | B01 F02 MW0 |
0504.00.29.31-1 | 牛膀胱,整个或切开者均在内,生鲜或冷藏 Bladders of bovine animals, whole and pieces thereof, fresh or chilled | B01 F02 MW0 |
0504.00.29.32-0 | 牛膀胱,整个或切开者均在内,冷冻 Bladders of bovine animals, whole and pieces thereof, frozen | B01 F02 MW0 |
0504.00.29.33-9 | 牛膀胱,整个或切开者均在内,咸、浸咸、干或熏制 Bladders of bovine animals, whole and pieces thereof, salted, in brine, dried or smoked | B01 F02 MW0 |
1602.20.20.10-0 | 已调制或保藏之牛肝及猪肝,冷冻者 Prepared or preserved livers of bovine and swine, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
1602.20.20.20-8 | 已调制或保藏之牛肝及猪肝,罐头 Prepared or preserved livers of bovine and swine, canned | F01 |
1602.20.20.90-3 | 其它已调制或保藏之牛肝及猪肝 Other prepared or preserved livers of bovine and swine | B01 F01 |
1602.50.10.10-5 | 已调制或保藏之牛肉,冷冻者 Prepared or preserved meat of bovine animals, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
1602.50.10.20-3 | 已调制或保藏之牛肉,罐头 Prepared or preserved meat of bovine animals, canned | F01 MW0 |
1602.50.10.90-8 | 其它已调制或保藏之牛肉 Other prepared or preserved meat of bovine animals | B01 F01 MW0 |
1602.50.20.11-2 | 已调制或保藏之牛内脏(包括心脏、肺脏、肝脏、大肠、小肠、脾脏、胃、肾脏、胰脏、膀胱、子宫),冷冻者 Prepared or preserved internal organ (including hearts, lungs, livers, large intestine, small intestine, spleens, stomachs, kidneys, pancreas, bladders, uteri) of bovine animals, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
1602.50.20.12-1 | 已调制或保藏之牛眼、脑、脊髓及头颅,冷冻者 Prepared or preserved eyes, brains, sinal cords and scull of bovine animals, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
1602.50.20.19-4 | 其它已调制或保藏之牛杂碎,冷冻者 Other prepared or preserved meat offal of bovine animals, frozen | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
1602.50.20.21-0 | 已调制或保藏牛内脏(包括心脏、肺脏、肝脏、大肠、小肠、脾脏、胃、肾脏、胰脏、膀胱、子宫),罐头 Prepared or preserved internal organ (including hearts, lungs, livers, large intestine, small intestine, spleens, stomachs, kidneys, pancreas, bladders, uteri) of bovine animals, canned | F01 MW0 |
1602.50.20.22-9 | 已调制或保藏牛眼、脑、脊髓及头颅,罐头 Prepared or preserved eyes, brains, sinal cords and scull of bovine animals, canned | F01 MW0 |
1602.50.20.29-2 | 其它已调制或保藏牛杂碎,罐头 Other prepared or preserved meat offal of bovine animals, canned | 113 F01 MW0 |
1602.50.20.91-5 | 其它已调制或保藏牛内脏(包括心脏、肺脏、肝脏、大肠、小肠、脾脏、胃、肾脏、胰脏、膀胱、子宫) Other prepared or preserved internal organ (including hearts, lungs, livers, large intestine, small intestine, spleens, stomachs, kidneys, pancreas, bladders, uteri) of bovine animals | B01 F01 MW0 |
1602.50.20.92-4 | 其它已调制或保藏牛眼、脑、脊髓、及头颅 Other prepared or preserved eyes, brains, sinal cords and scull of bovine animals | B01 F01 MW0 |
1602.50.20.99-7 | 其它已调制或保藏牛杂碎 Other prepared or preserved meat offal of bovine animals | 113 B01 F01 MW0 |
CCC号列 | 货名 | 输入规定 |
0504.00.19.00-0 | 其它动物肠衣 Other casings of animals | B01 F02 MW0 |
0506.10.00.00-7 | 经用酸处理之软骨及骨 Ossein and bones treated with acid | B01 F02 |
0506.90.19.90-0 | 其它骨类 Other bones | B01 F02 |
0506.90.30.00-4 | 骨及角髓之粉末与废料 Powder and waste of bones and horn-cores | B01 F02 |
1601.00.90.00-2 | 其它肉、杂碎或血制成之腊肠及其类似品;以上述产品制成之调制食品 Other sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood; food preparations based on these products | B01 F01 MW0 |
1602.10.10.00-6 | 肉类调制之婴幼儿或病人均质食品 Homogenised preparations of meat, used as infant food or for dietetic culinary purposes | F01 |
1602.10.90.00-9 | 其它均质调制品 Other homogenised preparations | F01 |
1602.20.90.10-5 | 其它已调制或保藏之动物肝,冷冻者 Other prepared or preserved livers of animals, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
1602.20.90.20-3 | 其它已调制或保藏之动物肝,罐头 Other prepared or preserved livers of animals, canned | F01 |
1602.20.90.90-8 | 其它已调制或保藏之动物肝 Other prepared or preserved livers of animals | B01 F01 |
1602.90.20.10-5 | 已调制或保藏之其它动物肉,冷冻者 Prepared or preserved meat of other animals, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
1602.90.20.20-3 | 已调制或保藏之其它动物肉,罐头 Prepared or preserved meat of other animals, canned | F01 MW0 |
1602.90.20.90-8 | 其它已调制或保藏之其它动物肉 Other prepared or preserved meat of other animals | B01 F01 |
1602.90.30.00-5 | 已调制任何动物之血 Preparations of blood of any animal | B01 F01 |
1602.90.90.10-0 | 已调制或保藏之其它动物杂碎,冷冻者 Prepared or preserved meat offal of other animals, frozen | B01 F01 MW0 |
1602.90.90.20-8 | 已调制或保藏之其它动物杂碎,罐头 Prepared or preserved meat offals of other animals, canned | F01 MW0 |
1602.90.90.90-3 | 其它已调制或保藏之其它动物杂碎 Other prepared or preserved meat offal of other animals | B01 F01 MW0 |
1603.00.00.00-9 | 肉、鱼、甲壳、软件或其它水产无脊椎动物之抽出物及液汁 Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates | F01 |
1901.10.00.90-7 | 其它婴幼儿调制品,供零售用 Other preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale | F01 |
1902.20.10.10-9 | 其它夹馅米粉条,不论是否烹饪或调制者,含肉者 Other stuffed rice pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared, containing meat | 451 B01 F01 MW0 |
1902.20.90.10-2 | 其它夹馅粉条,不论是否烹饪或调制,含肉者 Other stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared, containing meat | B01 F01 MW0 |
1902.30.10.10-7 | 方便面,含肉者 Instant noodles, containing meat | B01 F01 MW0 |
1904.10.20.11-6 | 快餐粥,含肉者 Instant rice gruel, containing meat | B01 F01 MW0 |
1904.10.20.91-9 | 其它膨润或焙制之含米量不低于30%谷类或谷类产品之调制食品,含肉者 Other prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products, containing not less than 30% of rice, containing meat | 451 B01 F01 MW0 |
1904.10.90.10-2 | 其它膨润或焙制之谷类调制食品,含肉者 Other prepared foods obtained by swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products, containing meat | B01 F01 MP1 |
1904.90.10.10-2 | 预煮或以其它方式调制之粒状、片状或其它加工(粉、碎粒及细粒除外)之未列名谷类(玉蜀黍(玉米)除外)产品,含米量不低于30%,含肉者 Cereals (other than corn (maize)) in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (except flour, groats and meal), pre-cooked or otherwise prepared, not elsewhere specified or included, containing not less than 30% of rice, containing meat | 451 B01 F01 MW0 |
1904.90.90.10-5 | 预煮或以其它方式调制之粒状、片状或其它加工(粉、碎粒及细粒除外)之未列名谷类(玉蜀黍(玉米)除外)产品,含肉者 Cereals (other than corn (maize)) in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (except flour, groats and meal), pre-cooked or otherwise prepared, not elsewhere specified or included, containing meat | B01 F01 MW0 |
1905.40.00.10-4 | 干面包,烘焙面包及类似烘焙制品,含肉者 Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products, containing meat | B01 F01 MW0 |
2104.10.11.00-6 | 液态汤类及其调制品,肉类 Meat soups and broths and preparations therefor, liquid | B01 F01 |
2104.10.19.00-8 | 其它液态汤及其调制品 Other soups and broths and preparations therefor, liquid | F01 |
2104.10.21.00-4 | 固态或粉状之汤类及其调制品,肉类 Meat soups and broths and preparations therefor, solid or powder | B01 F01 |
2104.10.29.00-6 | 其它固态或粉状之汤类及其调制品 Other soups and broths and preparations therefor, solid or powder | F01 |
2104.20.10.10-3 | 婴幼儿用均质混合调制食品 Homogenised composite food preparations, used as infant food purposes | F01 |
2104.20.10.20-1 | 病人用均质混合调制食品 Homogenised composite food preparations, used as dietetic purposes | 501 F01 |
2104.20.90.00-8 | 其它均质混合调制食品 Other homogenised composite food preparations | F01 |
2106.10.10.00-5 | 浓缩蛋白质及组织化蛋白质,蛋白质含量未达50%者 Protein concentrates and textured protein substances (containing less than 50% of protein) | F01 |
2106.10.20.00-3 | 浓缩蛋白质及组织化蛋白质,蛋白质含量50%及以上者 Protein concentrates and textured protein substances (containing 50% or more of protein) | F01 |
2106.90.40.00-2 | 婴幼儿用食品 Infant food | F01 |