

   2023-08-16 食品伙伴网泽夕1062
核心提示:2023年8月11日,欧盟食品安全局(EFSA )发布关于柚子、柠檬、苹果、梨、桃子、樱桃和蓝莓中腈苯唑(fenbuconazole)的最大残留限量审查后确认数据的评估。……(世界食品网-www.shijieshipin.com)
     2023年8月11日,欧盟食品安全局(EFSA )发布关于柚子、柠檬、苹果、梨、桃子、樱桃和蓝莓中腈苯唑(fenbuconazole)的最大残留限量审查后确认数据的评估。 
  The applicant Corteva Agrosciences submitted a request to the competent national authority in Slovenia to evaluate the confirmatory data that were identified for fenbuconazole in the framework of the MRL review under Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 as not available. To address the Article 12 confirmatory data gaps, new residue trials analysing triazole derivative metabolites (TDMs) were submitted on grapefruits, lemons, apples, pears, peaches, cherries and blueberries. Following the assessment of submitted data, EFSA concluded that Article 12 confirmatory data gaps are considered addressed for grapefruits, oranges, lemons, limes, pome fruits, peaches, cherries and blueberries. The calculated livestock dietary burdens indicated that for the individual TDMs, the trigger value of 0.004 mg/kg bw day is not exceed from the intake of apple pomace and citrus dried pulp. The new information provided required the assessment of consumer exposure to TDMs, which identified no consumer intake concerns for the crops under consideration. No data were submitted to address the Article 12 confirmatory data gaps for tree nuts, apricots, plums, table grapes, wine grapes, cranberries, bananas, sweet peppers/bell peppers, cucurbits with edible/inedible peel, peanuts/groundnuts, sunflower seeds and rapeseeds/canola seeds, barley, rye and wheat. For these commodities, the existing EU MRL could be lowered to the enforcement LOQ.
地区: 欧盟
行业: 进出口 果蔬
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