

   2014-08-14 食品伙伴网282
核心提示:据美国联邦公报消息,8月 12日美国 FDA发布通报,修订食品添加剂法规,制定维生素 D3用于代餐饮料与肠内喂养的限量。 批准维生素

      据美国联邦公报消息,8月 12日美国 FDA发布通报,修订食品添加剂法规,制定维生素 D3用于代餐饮料与肠内喂养的限量。

    批准维生素D3作为营养强化剂用于代餐饮料(不适用于减重或维持体重的特殊膳食),限量为500 IU/240 mL,每天摄入量不超过1000IU;批准维生素 D3 用于肠内喂养唯一营养来源的食品中,限量为1.0 IU/千卡。



    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is amending the food additive regulations to provide for the safe use of vitamin D 3 as a nutrient supplement in meal replacement beverages that are not intended for special dietary use in reducing or maintaining body weight and for use in foods that are sole sources of nutrition for enteral feedings.

    Abbott has requested that we amend § 172.380 to authorize the use of vitamin D 3 as a nutrient supplement at levels not to exceed 500 International Units (IU) per 240 milliliters (mL) (prepared beverage) in meal replacement beverages that are not intended for special dietary use in reducing or maintaining body weight and that are represented for use such that the total amount of vitamin D 3 provided by the product does not exceed 1,000 IU per day, and at levels not to exceed 1.0 IU per kilocalorie (kcal) in food represented for use as a sole source of nutrition for enteral feeding.Show citation box.


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