Follow ing a review of the current raw milk regulations, the FSA had proposed exploring the scope for w ider access to raw milk, including limited sales from vending machines in shops.
The proposals w ere discussed today by the Board. They concluded that additional evidence w as required on risks from specific pathogens. More detail w as also requested on the proposed testing regime that w ould be necessary to allow extended sales w hile maintaining consumer protection. The Board said a final decision should not be made until the European Food Safety Author ity has delivered the findings of its ow n review of the risks from raw milk w hich is expected in December
原文链接:http://www.food.gov.uk/news-updates/news/2014/jul/rawmilk#.U9BOWT96WWg <http://www.food.gov.uk/news-updates/news/2014/jul/rawmilk>