

   2022-10-20 华中农业大学608
近日,华中农业大学园艺植物生物学教育部重点实验室刘继红教授团队研究成果以“CHH methylation of genes associated with fatty acid and JA biosynthesis contributes to cold tolerance in autotetraploids of Poncirus trifoliata”为题的研究论文在Journal of Integrative Plant Biology发表,该研究从DNA甲基化和转录水平上揭示了柑橘多倍体抗寒的分子调控机制。
  柑橘是世界第一大水果,也是我国南方最重要的水果,但柑橘产业受到多种非生物逆境的制约。因此,研究柑橘资源非生物逆境应答的分子调控机制具有重要理论意义和潜在应用价值。枳(Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. )是柑橘上最常用的砧木,抗寒性较强,是研究低温应答的重要柑橘资源。已有研究表明,相对二倍体来说,四倍体常常具有更好的遗传适应性和抗逆性。植物全基因组加倍往往会引起表观遗传和转录水平的改变,但是这些变化如何调控多倍体抗性尚不清楚。
  Polyploids have elevated stress tolerance, but the underlying mechanisms remain largely elusive. In this study, we showed that naturally occurring tetraploid plants of trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.) exhibited enhanced cold tolerance relative to their diploid progenitors. Transcriptome analysis revealed that whole-genome duplication was associated with higher expression levels of a range of well-characterized cold stress-responsive genes. Global DNA methylation profiling demonstrated that the tetraploids underwent more extensive DNA demethylation in comparison with the diploids under cold stress. CHH methylation in the promoters was associated with up-regulation of related genes, whereas CG, CHG and CHH methylation in the 3'-regions was relevant to gene down-regulation. Of note, genes involved in unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs) and JA biosynthesis in the tetraploids displayed different CHH methylation in the gene flanking regions and were prominently up-regulated, consistent with greater accumulation of UFAs and JA when exposed to the cold stress. Collectively, our findings explored the difference in cold stress response between diploids and tetraploids at both transcriptional and epigenetic levels, and gained new insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying enhanced cold tolerance of the tetraploid. These results contribute to uncovering a novel regulatory role of DNA methylation in better cold tolerance of polyploids.

行业: 食品检测 果蔬
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