据食品生产日报消息,全球食品安全倡议(GFSI)组织 审核员能力工作组在GFSI董事会要求下,对支撑GFSI基准计划的一般食品安全审核员职业能力和评估验证机制予以规定,经过三年的工作,发布了第一版《食品安全审核员能力》。
The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) has released the first edition of its Food Safety Auditor Competencies.
It comes after three years of work by the GFSI Auditor Competence Working Group, tasked by the GFSI Board to define generic food safety auditor competencies underpinning GFSI benchmarked schemes, and the mechanisms they can be assessed and verified.
The group involved Cargill, ConAgra, General Mills, Kraft Foods, PepsiCo, Silliker and The Coca-Cola Company.