2013年10月11日,台湾地区"卫生福利部"发布部授食字第1021350656号公告,输出入货品分类号列 1905.90.10.00-3"盛装药物用的空囊"等6项税则号列项下的输入产品,如供食品用途者,应依照"输入食品及相关产品查验办法"规定,向该部食品药物管理署申请办理输入查验。6项产品如下:
CCC号列 | 货名 | 输入规定 |
1905.90.10.00-3 | 盛装药物用的空囊 Empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use | 821 |
9602.00.41.00-5 | 药用胶囊 Capsules for pharmaceutical products | 821 |
3001.90.40.90-7 | 其它已干燥的腺体和其它器官,不论是否制成粉末者 Other glands and other organs, dried, whether or not powdered | 821 |
3002.10.20.00-6 | 血浆 Plasma | 821 |
3002.10.90.00-1 | 其它血液分离部分及改质免疫产品,不论是否以生物技术方法取得 Other blood fractions and modified immunological products, whether or not obtained by means of biotechnological process | 823 |
3002.90.90.90-5 | 人类血液;已调制动物血液供治疗、预防疾病或诊断用;毒素、微生物培养体(酵母除外)和类似品 Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products | 824 |