据外媒报道,墨西哥总统培尼亚 (Enrique Pena Nieto)提议对含糖饮料征税以控制该国肥胖症的蔓延。培尼亚把此税收比喻成一个国家性的"医疗税收",因为墨西哥肥胖症患者人数巨全世界第二。
The Mexican government proposed penalizing sugary beverages with a special tax in an effort to contain twin epidemics of obesity and Type 2 diabetes, attempting to join countries such as France and Hungary in taxing sweet drinks in the name of public health.
President Enrique Pena Nieto's tax overhaul unveiled on Sunday targets all sugar-sweetened beverages, not just soda, in a country where seven of 10 adults are either overweight or obese. An estimated 15% of people over age 20 have adult-onset diabetes.